Werewolf Academy Year Three - Jayme Morse Page 0,18

over her chest. “I thought you guys want to kill my dad.”

“It’s the only thing I want,” I said with a nod.

That was a lie, of course. I also wanted her to leave my mate alone. But saying that out loud only would have caused drama, and I had enough of that lately.

“Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want. Skipping school, or work, just might be one of them.”

“I don’t think splitting into groups is a good idea,” I said. “What if something happens? We should really all stick together.”

Mostly, because I wasn’t about to let Aiden and her travel the West Coast together. Nope. That was not happening under my watch. Not without a fight.

Jessica stared at me for a long moment. Finally, shook her head and then rose to her feet.

As she began to walk across the room, I asked, “Where are you going?”

She glanced over her shoulder. “Back to my dorm room. Call me when you guys are serious about actually finding and killing my dad.”

A few moments later, I heard the front door open and then close.

I turned to my mates. “Well, that was a waste of our time.”

“Maybe she would have stayed if there had been less tension in the room,” Colton said quietly.

“What are you saying?” I knew he must have been referring to my jealousy.

“Oh, come on, Raven. You were acting like a jealous schoolgirl,” Theo said, shooting me a side eye glance.

That’s because I was a jealous schoolgirl.

I sighed. “Was it really that obvious?”

“Very, very obvious,” Rhys said with a nod.

“Great. So, I messed up our one connection to possibly kill Milos?” I asked.

“Maybe?” Colton said.

“Great. I’m glad you all blame me.” Rising to my feet, I headed to my bedroom.

Closing the door behind me, I climbed under the covers and turned to face the window.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” I called, even though I didn’t really feel like talking to any of them.

Truthfully, I was feeling sort of sorry for myself. If fate hadn’t been so cruel that it had to mate me with not just one but five guys, things would be so much less complicated. I wouldn’t have to get jealous about a guy who wasn’t even, technically, mine. I would get to just be a normal wolf with a normal mate.

But here I was. Jealous about a guy who I wasn’t even entirely sure I would choose in the end.

“Raven, can we talk?” Aiden’s voice asked.

I didn’t turn to look at him. “I guess.”

He closed my bedroom door and then climbed into my bed.

Dropping his arm around my waist, he said, “Is there something you want to talk about?”

I just shrugged.

“What’s all this jealousy about?”

“It’s stupid,” I replied with an eye roll. “And that’s the thing. I know it’s stupid, but that doesn’t make me feel any less jealous.”

“Well, it is stupid,” Aiden agreed with a nod, brushing my hair out of my eyes. “But it’s not because of how you’re acting.”

I shifted in my bed to face him. “It’s not?”

“No.” He shook his head. “You’re just acting like a werewolf normally would act about her mate. Jealousy is all par for the course.”

“Well, then why is it stupid?” I questioned.

“Because you should know that there’s nothing on my end when it comes to Jessica.”

“How would I know that?” I knew I just sounded like a brat at this point, but I needed some sort of reassurance from him. I figured that it must have just been the werewolf in me.

“Because everything I have, every single part of me—my heart, my body, my mind—it all belongs to you, Raven. You’re my whole life, my whole world.” His honey brown eyes pierced straight through me. “So, Jessica Davis can feel however the hell she wants to feel about me, but it doesn’t mean a goddamn thing because you are my everything. I love you, Raven.”

I knew he meant every word.

“I love you, too.”

He brought his mouth down on mine then. His kiss completely stole my breath away, but I just kissed him deeper.

His lips moved their way down my neck, sending a wave of shivers down my spine. Before I even knew what was happening, he had pulled my dress off. Reaching behind my back, he unhooked my bra, allowing it to fall to the side, revealing my breasts.

His mouth fell to one of my nipples, and he sucked it slowly as his hand drifted downwards. He slipped

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