Werewolf Academy Year Three - Jayme Morse Page 0,17

the Darken, I knew it was possible.

Anyway, the point was that hearing Jessica and Aiden had stayed up alone last night together just drudged up all of those old feelings. And I didn’t like it one bit.

“Good morning, everyone,” Colton said as he strolled into the kitchen, interrupting the awkward silence that had filled the room.

“Good morning,” Jessica said, a sugary sweetness to her tone.

I found myself rolling my eyes at her as the Keurig began to make a whirring sound.

“Do you really think this arrangement is going to work out?” Theo asked me.

“It has to work out. She might be our key to figuring out where Milos is hiding. As of right now, we don’t have even the slightest hint.”

My mates had tried to find Milos after I had escaped, but it had been no use. Milos hadn’t been at his house on Nocturne Island. We hadn’t known where he was hiding out.

“But if we let Jessica work with us on this, I’m afraid that you’re going to end up mauling her to death. You must be struggling so hard right now not to shift into a werewolf,” Theo responded.

Actually, I had become really good at controlling my inner wolf. It took as much to anger me these days. That was one of the only good things that had come from my three-month stint in the dungeon: I now had the patience and tolerance of a saint.

“It’s just obvious that you don’t like or trust her… especially around your mates,” Theo went on. “This jealousy might make this situation really hard for you to handle in the long-term.”

“Right now, I need to give this a try. Just leave it alone, okay?” I shot a glance in Theo’s direction.

He nodded from where he was sitting at the table, across from Jessica.

“Okay, so let’s get started,” I said as I carried my coffee back to the table, just as Rhys entered the room, yawning groggily. I sat down at the head of the table, diagonally from Jessica. “The first challenge is going to be actually locating your father.”

“Well, the first place I would check is the house on Nocturne Island,” she said.

“We already have. That’s where he held me captive all summer,” I explained. “He’s not there anymore.”

“Okay. Well, I have both good news and bad news.” She paused. “Let’s start with the bad news. My dad owns fifty-three homes throughout the entire world.”

Holy. Shit. I had figured that Milos had other residences aside from the house on Nocturne Island, but fifty-three? How the hell were we going to be able to find him?

“And the good news?” Colton pressed.

“I know where all of them are?” Jessica asked with a shrug.

“Fifty-three homes,” Theo said, shaking his head.

“Even if we decided to check out all of them, he could easily move onto the next before we find him.”

“Unless we break up into groups,” Jessica suggested. “We can start with the United States. You and Raven can go check out his houses in the northeastern U.S. Colton and Rhys can take on the South, and Aiden and I will head to the West Coast.”

I found myself glaring at her yet again. Of course she would have wanted to team up with Aiden. I knew I probably sounded like a jealous school girl, but he was my mate. I may have had five mates, but until I ended up choosing one, he was mine. And even if I didn’t end up choosing Aiden in the end, I hope he didn’t end up choosing her. Of all the werewolves in the world, did he have to be with Milos’s daughter?

I actually often wondered what would happen to my mates who I didn’t choose in the end. Would they be with other people? If Professor Lee was able to figure out a way to break the curse that prevented ancients from being attracted to anyone besides ancients, then anyone was fair game. All of them could go on to have normal, happy relationships… without me.

I wasn’t going to lie. That last part made me pretty freaking sad.

“This plan sounds great in theory, but logistically, it doesn’t work,” Theo said, pulling me back out of my thoughts.

“Why? It seems like a pretty great idea to me,” Jessica said.

“Because we’re contracted to teach, and you and Raven have school. We can’t just up and leave everything right now to go check out fifty-three houses with no guarantee that your father will be at any of them.”

She folded her arms

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