The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,98


“Fine. I need to go to the restroom anyway.”

She went to the restroom and checked her own phone. Blair hadn’t called her back, but she felt a sudden urge to talk to Libby.

“Hey, Libs,” Megan said when she answered. “I just needed to hear a friendly voice.”

“Is Knickers that bad today? She must have been furious after your disappearing act last night. She was fit to be tied when she couldn’t find you two. Poor Noah got the third degree. And Knickers was even more furious when Noah couldn’t reach Josh’s phone.”

“Sorry to leave you with such a mess on your hands. And thanks for taking care of Noah.”

“Hey, if you ran off with Josh and had a good night, it was well worth it. And there’s no taking care of Noah. He’s a player, plain and simple.”

“So there’s nothing between you?”

“What? I’m dating Mitch.”

“I know, but . . .”

“No, Megan. There’s nothing between us. We’re friends. Friends who like to flirt, but friends nonetheless.”

“Is someone like Noah capable of being just friends with a woman?”

“That’s pretty judgmental, Knickers Junior.”

“I know you’re right, but you have to admit that you’ve met more than your fair share of men like him. How many of them have been good at having platonic female friends?”

“You hardly know Noah.”

“So I pegged him wrong?”

Libby paused a beat, then laughed. “No. You have him exactly right. But before you say anything else, I’ll just say our friendship is based on an alliance.”

“What alliance?”

“The goal of keeping you and Josh together.”

“I’m not pinning any hopes on a future just yet.”


“Look, today I’m just living for the moment. That’s the gift I was granted. I admit that I want more with him, but there are just too many variables in play for me to count on anything. And at the risk of beating a dead horse, we can’t forget how my mother’s going to react to all of this. You remember the mess with my Aunt Heather.”

Libby sighed. “Damn. I forgot about her. You’re in deep shit.”

“I know,” Megan said in defeat. “But it doesn’t matter. Josh has been wonderful all morning—even sticking up for me with Knickers—but he just took a call from Noah, and now he’s acting cold and distant. I can’t help thinking Noah said something to make Josh have second thoughts about me.”

“Impossible. Noah wants you two together.”

“That’s weird, don’t you think? Noah doesn’t seem like the type of guy to play matchmaker.”

“It’s his kid brother, and he knows you make him happy. That’s all it is. Quit being so suspicious, or you’ll start to sound like Blair.”

“Very funny.”

“He likes you, Megan, and you like him, too. I see the way you look at him. I’ve never seen you so taken with a guy, and Noah says the same is true of Josh.”

“It’s all just happening so fast, Libs. What am I supposed to do?”

“Just go with it for now. Fate put you together in the first place. It will keep you together. The fortune teller said so.”

Libby had always been the dreamer, while Blair was invariably the voice of reason. Both qualities were constantly at war in Megan. She wasn’t so certain fate would work everything out—and she definitely didn’t believe some fake fortune teller—but this one time she really hoped Libby was right.

“Go have fun with him. Just enjoy the ride, Megs. Stop stressing. It’ll all work out.”

“Well, fate only has until tonight.”

“Don’t throw this away,” Libby said, taking an uncharacteristically serious tone. “If you do, I have a feeling you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

That’s exactly what Megan was afraid of.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Josh signed the check and left the restaurant, then started to pace the sidewalk as he waited for Megan. Noah’s phone call had left him conflicted. He played it over again in his head, hoping for a better resolution.

Josh had told Noah about Bart’s password and the suspicious email while they were in the dressing rooms at the tux shop. He’d no sooner picked up Noah’s phone call than his brother said, “She’s right. The password works on everything . . . everything but his personal email account. Is there any way you can quiz her to see if she knows of any alternate passwords?”

“No. That one was a fluke, and even if I could work it into a normal conversation, I suspect she wouldn’t know. She said it was the password he used for everything . . . so we’re screwed.”

“Slow down there,” Noah laughed. “We Copyright 2016 - 2024