The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,97

one. They had fallen back into their lightheartedness from earlier when Megan’s phone rang.

“It’s probably my mother making sure I haven’t run off again,” she said, faking a cringe. But when she saw the name on the screen, her smile fell. Why was Jay calling her again?

“Is it your mother?”

She silenced the ringer and stuffed it back into her purse. “It doesn’t matter. You were telling me a story about your brother scratching your name in the side of your mother’s car with a key when you were kids.”

He studied her for a moment, and she wondered if he suspected something, but he resumed his story.

They had finished their lunch, Megan had polished off her second drink, and they were sharing fried ice cream when Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. He set his spoon on the table. “It’s Noah. I better take it.”

“Sure. Of course,” she said, but she wasn’t prepared for him to leave the table and go outside.

Why couldn’t he talk to his brother in front of her? But before she could think it through, her own phone rang again. She pulled it out, planning to take advantage of Josh being outside so she could tell Jay to take a flying leap. But it wasn’t him at all; it was Blair.

She answered, her tone sweeter than usual, “Hello, Blair.”

“Please tell me you’ve changed your mind.”

“About what?”

“The rehearsal dinner.” Megan could tell Blair was trying to be civil.

“I suggested pasta, but my mother insists on chicken, and you know Knickers, so no changing my mind about that.”

“Very funny.” Her sarcasm was heavier than usual. “Seriously, Megan. Just how far are you planning to take this?”

“This is going to end tonight, Blair. Calm down. It’s under control.”

“Calm down? You’re sleeping with a man who’s lying to your parents about his name . . . a man you’ve known for less than three days. Not to mention the fact that you’re asking me to come to a rehearsal for a wedding that’s not even taking place. Why should I calm down?”

“Who said I was sleeping with him?”

“Please. Don’t insult me. I can hear it in your voice.”

No wonder Blair was such a great divorce attorney. She was like a human lie detector. “My sex life is no one’s business but my own.”

“Maybe so, but it’s my job as a friend to point out when you’re being irresponsible.”

Megan remained silent, worried about what she’d say if she didn’t give herself a second to calm down. Several seconds of silence passed, but she still didn’t trust herself. “I think I better hang up before I say something I’ll regret.”

“Megan.” Blair’s tone softened, but it wasn’t enough to appease Megan.

“The rehearsal is at six at Powell Gardens. Come or don’t come. I’ll understand if you don’t.” Megan hung up before Blair could respond. She stared at the phone, wondering if she was being too hard on her friend. What would she do if their roles were reversed? Probably have Blair admitted for a psych evaluation.

Josh slid into his seat, not looking much happier than Megan.

“Everything okay with Noah?” she asked.

He scowled but tried to force a smile. “Fine. Just a brother thing.”

He was obviously hiding something from her, but what business was it of hers?

He gestured toward the phone in her hand. “Another missed call?”

She shrugged. “Blair.”

“I take it that it didn’t go well?”

“Once again, she’s made it abundantly clear that she doesn’t approve of what we’re doing.”

He was silent for a moment. “You can’t really blame her, can you? She’s trying to be a good friend.”

“Whose side are you taking?” It was a complete turnaround from his previous attitude toward Blair.

“I’m not taking anyone’s side. But you’ve been friends with her for what? Ten years?”

“Over twenty.”

“Don’t throw that away on an asshole like me.”

She gaped at him. Where was this attitude coming from? “What did your brother say that bothered you so much?”

“Nothing.” He pulled his wallet out. “Shouldn’t we get going? We need to get a marriage license.”

She dug inside her purse and pulled out a credit card. “I said I’d pay for lunch, Josh.”

“Megan, will you just let me pay for it. Please.” His tone was shorter than he’d used with her before. What did she really know about him, though? Maybe this was normal for him.

No. She may have only known him for a short period of time, but she knew something was up. And it had to do with that phone Copyright 2016 - 2024