The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,60

the bigger emergency first.

“We’ll have to figure out a way to include Noah in the wedding, of course.” Megan’s mother glared at her. “Really, Megan. A little advance notice would have been nice.”

Megan held her hands out at her sides. “I didn’t know he was coming. I didn’t even know he knew where Josh was!”

Her mother looked taken back. “What do you mean he didn’t know where Josh was? Why wouldn’t he?”

Noah sidled up next to her and slung an arm around her shoulders. “That’s cute, sis.”

Her eyes flew open. “Sis?”

“Once you and Joshy are married . . .” His words trailed off. Then he turned to her mother. “What Megster meant was that I didn’t know he’d be with Bart at the office. Isn’t that right, Megster?”

She gritted her teeth. “Yeah. That’s right.”

Knickers tsked. “I hope we can get you a tux with this short notice. I better call the rental store.” She stood and moved to the kitchen. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Megan’s eyes narrowed, and she was about to let loose a string of questions peppered liberally with expletives when she remembered her grandmother still on the sofa, hanging on to their every word.

“You look shocked,” Noah teased. “I hope you don’t mind me coming to my brother’s wedding.” He glanced over his shoulder at Gram and winked.

“I like this one,” Gram said, nodding her head. “Since you get Josh, I want to keep him.”

“He’s not staying, Gram,” Megan said with a sigh.

Megan’s mother emerged from the kitchen with the phone in her hand. “Of course Noah is staying at the house. Where would you have him go, Megan?”

That wasn’t what Megan meant, but now that her mother brought it up, the idea horrified her. He couldn’t stay in their house. In fact, she couldn’t think of one good reason for him to be here at all.

“Is Josh expecting you?” Megan forced out, trying to hide her panic.

Noah gave a nonchalant shrug and a cocky grin. “Nah, I thought I’d surprise him. I suspect he’ll be beside himself.” He turned to Megan’s mother. “With happiness, of course. I told him I couldn’t come, but hey—he’s my little brother. I can’t let him get married without me standing there beside him.”

So he was one of those guys—the kind who thought he could show his mega-watt grin and every human with double X chromosomes would fall at his feet. Megan had met plenty of guys like Noah, and she wasn’t impressed. But that wasn’t the real issue . . .

What was his endgame? Was he here to embarrass Josh?

Libby, on the other hand, appeared to fall for his schlocky charm. “And what a lovely surprise it is.” She shot Megan a side glance that told her Libby planned to use her own methods of persuasion to get answers, which filled Megan with relief.

“I like surprises,” Gram chimed in.

Since Libby was playing the role of her bowled-over-by-a-sexy-smile friend, it was the three of them against Megan. Was she the only sane one left? Then she remembered that she was the only one in the room who was pretending to be engaged to a stranger.

They were all doomed.

“Do we know when Dad will be home with Josh?” Megan asked.

“He said he would be home by five. There’s some big to-do at the office about some silly patent—” her mother waved her hand, “—or some such nonsense. But I made him promise to be home in time to set up for the dinner.”

“That’s exciting.” Noah’s smile widened—as if that were even possible. “A patent, you say?”

“I told Bart there wasn’t time for him to fool around and get excited over a tiny piece of metal. His daughter’s getting married.”

Noah nodded. “Priorities. Family takes precedence over everything and everyone, don’t you think?”

Nicole’s eyes softened. “Yes, I know exactly what you mean, even if . . .” She forced a smile. “I’m so glad you came, Noah.”

“I am, too, Mrs. Vandemeer,” he said, matching her serious tone. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“What’s the theme tonight, Mrs. Vandemeer?” Libby asked, trying to keep a straight face.

A scowl almost wrinkled Nicole’s Botoxed forehead. “It’s Hillbilly. Red-and-white checkered tablecloths. Banjos. You know.”

Noah’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and amusement.

Megan groaned. “Mom, Dad’s family is from Springfield, Missouri. That hardly makes them hillbillies.”

Her mother looked unswayed.

“Does that mean I should have brought my overalls?” Noah asked, grinning. “I’ve never been to a hoedown before.”

Megan could barely tolerate her mother disrespecting her father’s family; she definitely wasn’t going Copyright 2016 - 2024