The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,59

employee was obviously going to have to put in some overtime to accommodate her mother’s demands. She started to say something, but Libby put her hand on Megan’s arm, stopping her. With lips pursed together, she slowly shook her head.

Remarkably, Knickers didn’t protest when Megan announced she was leaving with Libby. “I had hoped to get your hair done today, but they can’t fit you in until tomorrow. So go have some fun.”

Megan gaped at her for a moment, then took off before her mother changed her mind. Gram gave the two younger women a longing look as they headed to Libby’s car.

“Just remember to be home by five, Megan,” her mother called after her.

Megan felt amazingly free and lighthearted as Libby drove away in her Volkswagen convertible. But instead of going out for a drink, Megan suggested they go shopping. She hadn’t planned to attend any wedding festivities, so she’d brought the bare minimum in terms of dress clothes.

A few hours later, Libby pulled into the driveway and stared at the house. “Do you think Josh is back?”

Megan gave her a look of surprise. “I guess not. Dad’s car isn’t in the driveway.” She’d been thinking about him all day, though she wasn’t about to admit she was disappointed he wasn’t back yet. If he was breaking up with her tonight, they only had a few more hours together. She couldn’t bear to think about it.

“Do you think Knickers would have a fit if I come in and hang out for a while?”

“I think she’ll get over it,” Megan said cautiously. “Why?”

“Do I have to have a reason? I miss you. I haven’t seen you since last fall . . . and before that it had been two years.”

“Sorry. Of course you can come in. Blair’s just made me paranoid, I guess.”

“Unlike Blair, I approve of Mr. Sexy-in-a-Pair-of-Jeans.”

Megan saw the curtain in the living room window shift. “I don’t think we can get away with sitting in your car until Josh shows up, which means we better go in.” Megan reached for the door handle. “I’m sure Mom’s got something for me to do.”

They walked through the front door and stopped in their tracks. Sitting on the sofa was a very good-looking stranger. He smiled as they came inside and gave Libby a once-over. Typical. Gram sat next to him, giving him a goofy grin.

Oh, Lord. Gram was smitten.

But then, Megan could see why. He had thick dark brown hair and dark eyes that sparkled with the promise of trouble. Who was this guy?

“Megan.” Her mother was settled in the armchair next to the sofa. “I’ve been trying to call you for an hour.”

Megan glanced down at her purse, then back at her mother. “Oh. I think my phone died.” She gave the man a second look and scrunched her nose as she tried to place him. There was something vaguely familiar about him. Maybe his eyes? He couldn’t be a cousin, could he?

“Why didn’t you tell me Josh’s brother was coming after all?” her mother asked, her voice thick with irritation. She hated surprises.

But Megan was more surprised than any of them.

“What?” Megan took a step back and bumped into Libby’s chest.

The man stood and took a step toward her, offering his hand. “I’m Josh’s brother, Noah. It’s great to finally meet you, Megan. He’s told me so much about you.”

She took his hand, still in shock. But as she studied his face, she saw the resemblance. This man was related to Josh, all right. But how had he gotten here? And why?

He dropped Megan’s hand, and Libby offered hers. “Hi, I’m Libby. Megan’s friend.”

His mouth spread into an appreciative grin, and he held her hand longer than necessary. “My brother most certainly hasn’t told me about Megan’s friend Libby.”

Megan’s head cleared enough for her to try and figure out what was going on. She cast a glance at her clueless mother. “Josh didn’t mention you had changed your mind about coming.” Her eyes bored into his, but he simply smiled, completely unintimidated. Damn, he was good.

“It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

“And it’s a good thing,” Megan’s mother said. “Josh’s side of the church is going to be abysmally bare.”

Noah shot Libby an ornery grin. “My job is to fill up one whole side of the church and have a little fun.”

Libby graced him with one of her sexiest smiles.

Someone was going to have to take a hose to the two of them, but she needed to deal with Copyright 2016 - 2024