The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,44

know all too well what I’m talking about.” He stood. “I told you—Gram and I have been talking. We know what he’s like.” He waved his hand haphazardly toward Josh. “I know he ignores you most of the time in Seattle. I don’t know what this little display of affection is all about, but your audience here in the corner is practically nonexistent. Save the show for when it counts.”

He turned on his heels and stomped off.

“I’m so sorry,” she said for the umpteenth time. “He had no right to do that.”

He was silent for a moment, then turned to her. “Yes, he did.”

“Why would you—”

“Megan,” he said quietly. “From what little I’ve gathered, Jay did treat you like shit.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“More reasons than you can guess.” He moved closer to her, lowering his voice. “I’m glad your brother is looking out for you. Too little too late, as far as I’m concerned. Still . . .” His voice trailed off.

“But he thinks you’re Jay.”

He shrugged. “Part of the gig.”

Which made her question once again the real reason he was doing this. Karma and fate felt like bullshit answers. Still, it wasn’t fair for Josh to pay for Jay’s crimes. “Maybe we should break it off now.”

“What? Why?”

“Before you get hurt.”

He snaked his left arm around her back and pulled her close, his face inches above hers. “I’m not going to get hurt. I’m a big boy.”

“But Kevin . . .”

His breath was warm on her face and her skin flushed. “Kevin’s not going to hurt me.” He kissed her gently, then sucked her lower lip between his teeth.

Every part of her combusted and a bolt of desire shot straight to her groin.

“Don’t break up with me, Megan,” he whispered against her mouth. “Not tonight.”

He kissed her, his tongue licking her lip again before it slipped into her mouth, coaxing her tongue. When she responded, he lifted his mouth inches from hers. “Promise me no more talk about breaking up tonight.”

“Okay,” she said breathlessly.

His mouth claimed hers again, demanding and insistent. She tried to press closer to him, but their bound hands got in the way.

“Where’s Libby?” she groaned.

He murmured his amusement against her lips.

“Megan!” her mother shouted again.

Megan pulled away. “I’m going to tell her that we’re exhausted from the time change and we need to go to bed.”

He shook his head in confusion. “But it’s two hours earlier in Seattle.”

“Trust me. She always gets the times mixed up when we try to plan phone calls.” She tugged him across the deck until they were standing in front of her mother.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “You’re still wearing your bindings. That’s so sweet.”

“Mother,” she said through gritted teeth. “We can’t get them off.”

“I think that’s a good sign.” She turned to the woman next to her. “Don’t you?”

Megan took a deep breath, then offered her mother and her guest a tight smile. “Josh and I are exhausted from the time change. We’re going to head to bed. I’ll help clean this up tomorrow.”


“Good night, Mom!” Megan called over her shoulder as she pulled Josh through the back door.

They found Libby in the kitchen sitting on a barstool as she sipped a glass of water and snacked on a plate of fresh carrots and celery. “You’re still into bondage, I see. I hope you two have discussed a safe word. Personally, my current favorite is Ferris wheel.”

Why was Megan so surprised by the roles her friends had fallen into—Libby as matchmaker and Blair as prison guard? This was typical of their dynamic. “Where are the scissors, Libby?”

“Scissors?” she asked and winked at Josh. Then she lifted a tea towel on the counter and slid a pair across the granite counter. “I thought you might want a little more quality time.”

“Well, I’m sure Josh was happy with the quality time we just had with Kevin. For some reason, he’s decided to go all ‘concerned big brother.’ He announced that he’s going to stop the wedding.”

“Huh.” Libby looked amused. Then she waved her hand, dismissing the subject. “I’ll take care of it.”

Megan shook her head. “Look, we’ll sort this out tomorrow, but right now I need you to cut us loose.”

Libby gave them a mock pout. “I didn’t think the binding ties made in a Knickers ceremony should be so easily cut asunder.”


Libby pursed her lips, mischief in her eyes. “This has to be consensual.” She turned to Josh with mock seriousness. “Josh, do you agree to cut these ties that Copyright 2016 - 2024