The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,43

some scissors.”

“I’m tempted to—”

“Scissors. Now.”

Libby took off for the kitchen, still laughing.

Megan looked around for her father, but she realized he’d taken off while her mother was busy hog-tying her to Josh. Gram was nowhere to be seen, but Kevin was making his way toward them with two glasses.

Still grinning, Josh took several steps backward to move them to the lower, currently unoccupied deck, then swept his left hand toward an outdoor loveseat and a coffee table tucked into a dark corner. “Would you care to sit down? I suspect this might take a few minutes.”


He sat on the coffee table, holding her elbow to steady her as she sat on the seat in front of him.

“I’m so sorry,” she said again. “I had no idea she would do something like that.”

Kevin finally reached them and handed them each a glass. “This is for fortification. Good show, by the way. Do you do a matinee?”

“Oh, God. I’m so glad I don’t know any of those people.” Megan took a big gulp from her drink. Josh watched her, then sipped from his own.

“Not to worry,” Kevin said as he sat on the loveseat next to her, keeping his gaze on Josh. “You’ll get to see them all again on Saturday.”

“Saturday?” Megan asked before going in for another swallow of the fruity drink he’d brought her.

“Your wedding?”

Oh, shit. She choked on the drink and spit it out all over the front of Josh’s shirt.

His eyes widened in surprise, but then he started to laugh.

“I’m so sorry!” Megan gushed, starting to reach for his shirt before remembering she still had her drink in hand. She finished it off and handed the empty glass to Kevin. “I’m going to need another.”

Josh downed his and handed his glass to Kevin as well. “Make that two.”

“I’m gonna expect a huge tip.” He got up and headed down the steps to the patio.

Megan used her left hand to pat at Josh’s chest. “I am so sor—”

He cut her off, reaching behind her head and pulling her mouth to his. His kiss was soft and tentative, as though he expected her to pull away. She leaned into him instead, sliding the hand pressed to his chest up to the side of his face. His tongue ran along her lower lip, and she gasped.

“Megan!” her mother called.

Josh lifted his head. The candlelight shone in his eyes, and she was grateful for the blatant desire she saw there. This wasn’t for show. This was real.

“Your mother’s calling,” he murmured.

Megan closed her eyes for a second and groaned. “I just want this party to be over.” She lifted their still-joined arms. “And for us to be untied.”

He chuckled, then leaned in to kiss her again. “Being tied to you has been an interesting experience.”

“Megan! Come say goodbye to our guests!” her mother shouted from the other side of the pool.

Megan took comfort in the fact that her mother’s gaze was swinging around the yard in an attempt to locate them. She didn’t seem to notice them tucked into the corner.

“She expects us to interact with people while we’re tied up like this?” Josh asked, incredulous.

“I suspect she’s already forgotten that we are.”

“So what are the chances of hiding out here?”

“Not so great, since Kevin’s about to give us away.”

Sure enough, her brother, who was on his way back to them with two more drinks, had stopped beside their mother and was motioning to them. He gave Megan a huge grin.

“That sadistic bastard,” she mumbled.

He continued toward them, still grinning.

“Thanks for selling me out,” Megan grumbled, snatching a glass out of his hand. “What was that about?’

He put Josh’s drink on the table and leaned back, observing them for a moment, his smile having slipped away again. “I’m going to be brutally honest.”

Josh picked up the drink, then said wryly, “I’m glad you decided to give that a go.”

Megan had hardly eaten, and the drink she’d guzzled down had already gone to her head. She giggled and Kevin shot her a dirty look.

“I don’t like you, Connors.” Kevin jabbed his finger into Josh’s chest. “You’ve treated my sister like shit for too long, and I’ve decided that I’m going to stop this wedding.”

Megan shook her head to clear it. “What are you talking about?”

“He’s a cold-blooded prick who doesn’t give a shit about you. I should have said something months ago, but I’m saying it now.”

“Kevin!” she said, standing up and pulling Josh with her. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

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