The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,378

we’re done.”

Blair nodded. “Agreed.”

Dane and Marco stood and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Blair swiveled in her seat to face her client. “Allison, you told me you were certain Marco was having an affair. Why were you so certain?”

Allison stiffened. “I just was.”

“You were married two years. When did things start to go wrong?”

“Right away.”

Her response came so quickly and effortlessly, but there was something about Allison’s expression that made Blair doubt her. “Are you sure about that, Allison?”

Allison shrugged. “Okay, maybe a year ago.”

Blair realized she needed to adopt a different tactic. “What made you fall for Marco?”

Some of the tension eased from Allison’s shoulders. “His smile. He just looked at me like I was the only woman in the world. And he made me believe that I was a…”

“That you were what?”

She looked up at Blair with tear-filled eyes. “That I was a good person.” She laughed, but it was bitter. “That’s stupid, right? I did a lot of bad things in high school and college. Things I can’t take back.”

“Oh, Allison.” How did this happen? How could two people start out so happy and then end so unhappy? “We all do stupid things. But we learn from them. We grow up.” Blair gave Allison a smile. “Marco wasn’t from your group of friends, right? He didn’t know you when you were that person.”

Allison looked down at her lap and nodded. “Yeah.”

“He brought out a different side of you, and you liked who you were with him.”

She looked up, tears sliding down her cheeks. “Yeah.”

Blair’s throat tightened. If Allison could have her happily ever after and lose it, what guarantee was there that the same wouldn’t happen to her? But she had to know the rest of the story, no matter how scared she was to hear it. “What happened? What made things fall apart?”

“I kept waiting for him to leave me.” She wiped her cheek. “I got tired of waiting.”

Blair closed her eyes and rubbed her left temple. This was so damn familiar it burned. “So you pushed him away.”

She nodded, her tears flowing. “I guess so. First I tried to change myself, eating like a bird, sexy lingerie…I even got new boobs.” She thrust out her chest. “But then, I stopped eating celery and carrots and I gained a few pounds and I felt ugly. I stopped wearing the lacy bras and panties and started acting cold and bitchy so he wouldn’t want to see me naked. I started picking fights, and pushing him away…” She released a tiny sob. “Until we ended up here.”

“Do you still love him?”

Allison broke into a sob. “I’ve been so awful to him. He’ll never take me back.”

The truth was, Blair couldn’t be sure. Maybe Allison had pushed Marco too far. Maybe it was possible to push a person so hard, so far away, that they never come back. But how could she tell Allison that?

“You’ll never know until you try.” She leaned forward and caught Allison’s eyes. “I’m going to send him in here, just the two of you, so you can talk things over.”

“My mother will kill me. She never wanted me to marry Marco.”

“Allison, you have to live your own life.”

“She’ll cut me off. If I stay with him, I’ll be poor.”

“Then I guess you have to decide whether you want love or money. But if you decide you want the money, then give him a break and stop fighting him.”

Allison nodded, her tears still falling.

“How about we call it a day and give you time to decide?”

She shook her head. “No. I know what I want to do. Can I talk to him?”

“I’ll see if he’s willing.”

Blair got up and left a still-crying Allison at the table. Dane and Marco were in the client lounge, grabbing their coats.

Dane grimaced. “Sorry, Blair. We’re calling it.”

Blair ignored him and turned to his client. “Marco?”

He turned to her in surprise. “Yeah?”

“Allison would like to speak with you privately.”

Dane scowled. “Is this some kind of manipulation tactic to get him to give her what she wants?” He glanced back at his client. “I should be in there with you.”

“Marco,” Blair said. “Do you still love her?”

“I object!” Dane shouted.

Blair groaned. “We’re not in court, Dane.”

“Your client filed for divorce. Your client has wasted our time all day. My client owes her nothing.”

“I’ll do it,” Marco said. “I’ll talk to her.”

Dane glared in Blair’s direction and then as Marco started to walk past him, he grabbed his client’s arm. Copyright 2016 - 2024