The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,377

You knew Josh four days before you married him.”

Blair expected Megan to get upset—wanted her to be so she’d back off—but she gave Blair an expressionless stare. “Go on. What else?”

“What else what?”

Megan rested her forearms on the table and clasped her hands. “Keep lashing out, Blair. That’s what you do when someone starts getting close enough to make you feel vulnerable. But guess what? Josh has made me more confident about who I am. So take your best shot, because the tougher your barbs, the closer we get to the heart of the matter. I’m your best friend, Blair. I’ll go to hell and back for you, so bring it.”

Blair’s mouth dropped open. “What the hell happened to you?”

“I’ve done a lot of soul searching. I’ve figured out why I dated guys who cheated on me. Now you need to figure out why you keep pushing away the people who love you.”

“You’re full of shit, Megan.”

Megan winked. “That too. Pregnancy hormones are notorious for constipation.”

“TMI, Megs,” Blair said, shuddering.

“Nice try. I’m still going to make you face your demons.”

“Wrong holiday,” Blair said dryly.

“Just don’t push Garrett away. He loves you, Blair. Why can’t you just accept that he loves you?”

She shrugged at Megan, offering a weak smile, as if to say I don’t know. Although the question wasn’t really if she could accept that Garrett loved her. She knew he did. But would this be enough for them?

Chapter Four

“Now boarding flight 265 to Denver,” the overhead speaker blared.

Garrett looked at his watch for the umpteenth time, then leaned back his head and breathed a sigh of relief, his anxiety dropping a level. Finally. He was going home. Just a short stop in Denver and then he would get home and could make everything right with Blair. He’d hoped she would call him back, but it had been radio silence. He told himself it didn’t mean anything. They weren’t a clingy couple, but he couldn’t shake the feeling something big was on the horizon and it made him nervous as hell. He needed to convince her he wasn’t going anywhere as long as she wanted him, because after pouting for two hours, he’d realized she was pushing him away because she was scared.

She’d done it before and he’d let it destroy them.

He wouldn’t let it happen again.

He’d left her alone, but now he thought that had been a mistake. He tried to call her one last time, but the phone went to voice mail. “Blair, I’m finally boarding my flight to Denver. My connecting flight from Denver to K.C. has also been delayed, so I think I’ll be able to make it.” He handed his ticket to the gate attendant and started down the tunnel to the plane. “I can’t wait to see you, Blazer.”

The flight to Denver was smooth, but the plane got stuck on the tarmac and he missed his connecting flight. When he deplaned, an airline employee was waiting at the gate with new tickets, but his new flight was taking off in twenty minutes, which meant he had to sprint to his gate. He barely made it, plopping in his seat as they closed the cabin door.

He pulled out his phone to call Blair, but the flight attendant shot him a glare.

“Sir, turn your cell phone off.”

He gave her a grim smile and sent Blair a quick text before he stuffed his phone into his pocket.

I made my flight to KC. See you soon.

Blair had hoped the lunch break would help Allison put things in perspective, but she seemed even more confrontational.

After an hour of getting nowhere, Dane closed his laptop and gave Blair a pointed look. “It’s obvious we’re not going to come to an agreement. We’re just wasting our time. We’ll just let the court decide this.”

Blair shot Allison an exasperated look, then turned back to Dane. “If you could give me a moment with my client…”

“We’ve given you several. What’s the point of giving you one more? Besides, it’s four o’clock. Let’s just call it a day.”

As the afternoon had worn on, Megan’s lecture had sunk in, and Blair realized how right her friend had been. But as Blair watched Allison become more and more resistant, she wondered how much of Megan’s lecture actually applied to her client.

“Please,” Blair pleaded. “We might settle more than you think.”

Dane cocked his head to the side and released a groan. “I’ll give you five minutes, but if your client doesn’t start budging drastically when we reconvene, Copyright 2016 - 2024