The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,36

Megan an apologetic look. “It was someone’s idea of a bad joke.”

“Go!” she motioned to him. He walked to the opposite side of the pool, moving toward the back of the yard, where there were fewer people.

“What the hell, Blair?” Megan demanded after Josh left. “You probably scared his brother half to death.”

Blair shrugged. “He didn’t try to stop me once I had his phone.”

“Yeah, because he was stymied by the fact that a grown, supposedly professional woman would steal his phone,” Libby said.

To her credit, Blair looked embarrassed. “Maybe I was a little overzealous . . .”

“You think?” Megan asked.

“I think he’s cute.” Libby kept her eyes on Josh, an appreciative gleam in her eyes. “He’s got a nice ass.”

“Funny,” Megan deadpanned. “My gram said the same thing.”

“I’ve always liked Gram,” Libby said. “I think you should go for it.”

“There’s nothing to go for.”

“I thought you were breaking up tonight,” Blair reminded her.

“Yeah . . .” She’d been trying to put it off as long as possible, wanting to spend more time with him. But the reality of the situation was staring her in the face, and the thought of never seeing Josh McMillan again filled her with panic.

Libby lifted her drink to her lips and gave Megan a knowing look. “I say break up with him tomorrow. You can do other things tonight.”

Megan grimaced. “While sleeping around might be your style, Libby, it’s not mine.”

Libby shot her a haughty look. “For the record, you might as well both know I’m not sleeping around at the moment. I’ve been with Mitch for four months now.”

Blair and Megan stared at her in surprise.

“What? I’m not getting any younger. We’re all about to hit thirty this year, and now I’ll have a date to both of your weddings. You know, when you think about it, Megan’s wedding disaster isn’t that much of a surprise.”

“What does that mean?” Megan demanded.

Blair groaned, leaning back in her chair. “Not that fortune teller crap again. If I had known how seriously you’d take it, I never would have gone.”

Libby narrowed her eyes. “It happened, Blair. Whether you choose to believe her prediction or not.” She turned to Megan, who was now listening intently. “And we made a pact to get married. I told you—pacts are not to be taken lightly.”

“We made that pact at a city fair because we were bored after your brother barfed on a carnival ride,” Blair said. “If you remember, we also picked out our grooms. After rock-paper-scissors, you got Travis Ming. Which seems like an excellent way to pick your future husband, Libby. Especially in light of how Megan has picked her substitute groom.” She cocked her head. “What’s Travis up to these days, Libs? Your birthday is in five months. You better hurry up and track him down.”

“Be a hater all you want, Blair,” Libby retorted. “Megan’s wedding is proof.”

“You don’t seriously believe any of this, do you?” Blair asked. “You’re not even engaged, Libby.”

“Not yet, but I have five months,” Libby mused. “Besides, look at Megan’s wedding. While it’s a disaster, another—significantly more charming—man is already claiming to be her fiancé.”

“Hey!” Megan protested. “My wedding isn’t a disaster . . . and as far as Josh goes . . . it’s just not going to happen. I just met him. And under duress, I might add.”

Blair scowled. “Well, my wedding is going to go off without a hitch. My wedding planner has everything under control, and Neil wouldn’t think of cheating on me.” She cast a glance at Megan. “Sorry, Megs.”

Megan shrugged, trying to make her friends believe she was over Jay’s infidelity. She wasn’t sure how convincing it was. While part of her was glad to be rid of him, the embarrassment still clung to her like a cheap perfume.

Reaching over, Libby patted Megan’s hand. “Who knows? Maybe she’ll marry Josh on Saturday.”

Blair looked furious. “Megan is not getting married to anyone on Saturday, so let it go, Libby.”

“Jeez, Blair,” Libby said nonchalantly, sipping her drink. “You might want to consider some anger management classes.” She waggled her eyebrows at Megan. “Besides, who knows what will happen tonight with Mr. Hot-and-Sexy-in-a-Pair-of-Jeans once he’s out of them. Maybe he’ll be so good you’ll want to marry him.”

To her horror, Megan blushed.

“She’s not sleeping with him tonight,” Blair lectured Libby. “I’m sure Knickers gave him his own room. No one is allowed to have sex in the house of perfection.”

Libby giggled. “But Knickers got pregnant twice . . .” Copyright 2016 - 2024