The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,35

the way his gaze lingered on her face. As if he couldn’t wait to get her alone so they could practice making those future babies.

Then she reminded herself that they did share a secret. They were breaking up before the end of the night.

Her mother may not have gotten the professional waitstaff she wanted, but the handful of teens were doing a good job of carrying around trays of food that fit the princess theme. Sugar cookies shaped like pumpkins, genie lamps, mermaids, and . . . dwarves? were carried around on silver trays, along with other finger foods. The underage staff couldn’t take drink orders, but the crowd quickly learned the bar was at the opposite end of the pool.

After Josh and Megan had made the rounds twice and her mother seemed satisfied, Blair and Libby joined them at a bistro table. While Blair was quiet and distrustful, Libby more than made up for her bad mood, asking Josh questions about his family.

“My father died when I was sixteen. My brother was still in college, but he and my mother managed to hold my father’s firm together until he graduated and took over. Our business manager was a huge help.”

Megan reached over and covered Josh’s hand with her own. She couldn’t imagine what her teen years would have been like if she’d lost her father back then. He’d been her lifeline in high school, standing up for her whenever she failed to meet her mother’s expectations of femininity. Her father had always told her she was the most beautiful girl in the world and that her mother’s views had warped over time and shouldn’t be taken personally.

“There are things you don’t know about your mother, pumpkin,” he used to say. “She loves you. This is her way of showing it.”

Megan had always wished she’d find another way.

“Josh,” Libby leaned back in her chair and eyed her other best friend before returning her attention to Josh. “You and Blair have something in common. Her father died when she was in law school.”

Blair shot him a glare. “And did your father cheat on your mother and leave her nearly destitute in a divorce before dying?”

“No,” Josh said calmly. “He loved my mother very much. I hope to have a marriage like theirs one day.”

“Based on lies and deception?”

He was quiet for a moment, and his answer was subdued. “No.”

Libby gave her a frown. “Blair, not everyone is as cynical about love as you are.”

“I’m a realist, Libby. Love is a conscious decision.”

“You really think your relationship with Neil is love?” Libby questioned, turning around to interrogate her friend.

Libby was only putting a voice to what Megan had been silently thinking for months.

“Neil and I have a very compatible relationship based on trust and similar hobbies.”

“And it’s so romantic,” Libby singsonged.

“Romance doesn’t last. It’s all spiking hormones and lust.” Blair glared at her friend. “Perhaps one of your relationships would last longer than three weeks if you were looking for something other than romance.”

“I’d rather have a few weeks of passion and hot sex than a cold and emotionless relationship,” Libby shot back, but Megan saw a hint of hurt in her eyes.

Blair turned her attention to Josh. “And how are we supposed to believe anything you say? You could very well be making it all up—your mother, brother, your father, too.”

“Blair,” Megan warned.

An awkward silence settled on the group. Then Josh stood. “I know you girls would like to talk without me, so I’ll go make a call and leave you with some time to yourselves.”

“Who are you going to call?” Blair demanded.

Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought up the contact before he locked his eyes onto hers. “My brother Noah. I haven’t talked to him since landing in Kansas City, so he must be worried.”

Blair snatched his phone. “Let’s see if you really have a brother.”

“Blair!” Megan shouted, reaching for it. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Protecting you.” Blair leaned out of her grasp as Josh stared at her, his eyes wide with shock. She pressed send and held the phone up to her ear. “Hello? Noah? What is your relation to Josh McMillan?” Horror washed over her face. “No! He’s fine! He hasn’t been in accident! I’m sorry! He just . . .”

“Blair!” Megan wrestled the phone from her friend and handed it to Josh. “God! I’m so sorry.”

Josh grimaced as he lifted the phone to his ear. “Noah? No. I’m fine,” he said, giving Copyright 2016 - 2024