The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,101

the photographer felt no need to pony up.

Megan and Josh started digging through their wallets, and together they managed to come up with the exact amount. When they found the last quarter, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“I didn’t think we were going to make it,” Megan said, shaking her head as she closed her wallet.

“Can you imagine the look on your mother’s face?”

“I’d rather not.”

The clerk handed back their driver’s licenses and told them she’d be right back.

“What exactly am I supposed to get photos of?” the photographer asked.

“The two of them filling out the application,” Nicole said, sounding disgruntled as she walked back into the small office waiting room.

“I got that, so can I go?” he asked, looking at the clock at the wall.

Megan’s mother rolled her eyes. “Fine, leave.”

The man grabbed his bag, not even taking time to put his camera away. But the clerk was on her way back with the license, and Nicole stopped him.

“I want you to get a photo of them holding it.”

“Maybe you should wait until tomorrow, Mom,” Megan suggested, casting a nervous glance at Josh. She must have been thinking the same thing he was. If they were taking photos of the marriage license, there was a good chance Knickers would see his real name. “When we actually sign it.”

Megan’s mother gave her an exasperated look. “Oh, we’ll get that, too. You can never have too many photos.”

The clerk returned to the counter with the paperwork. “Here you go, Mr. Mc—”

Josh reached for the paper, cutting her off. “Thank you.”

Megan’s mother gave the clerk a strange look. “What did you start to call—?”

“Mom,” Megan interrupted, putting an arm around her mother’s shoulders and squeezing as she pulled her away from the clerk. “How about you and I get a photo together?”

“Really?” she asked, sounding shocked.

“Of course,” Megan said, her tone softening. Josh was surprised by how happy the older woman looked.

The photographer shook his head and grimaced. Two days ago, Josh might have reacted the same way, but now he was learning to take things in stride. The photographer snapped several shots—Josh joining halfway through—before Megan dropped her hold on her mother.

“Thank you, Mr . . . ?”

“Steve,” the photographer supplied, picking his bag up off the chair.

“Thank you, Steve.”

“See you tomorrow,” he said, waving as he walked out the door.

Josh saw Megan’s slight flinch, and he knew it was from guilt. How could he get her to agree to carry this on through tomorrow?

Before he was even out the door, Knickers looked Megan and Josh up and down, her disapproval returning. “The rehearsal’s in two hours. You two better hurry home if you’re going to be at the gardens by six.”

She grabbed the corner of the folded license in Josh’s hand and tugged, but Josh didn’t let go. “I’ll hold onto it until tomorrow.”

“No, that’s okay.” He tugged back. “I’ve got it.”

She pulled harder. “I think it’s better if I take it.”

Josh didn’t want to get into a tug-of-war with Megan’s mother, but there was no way in hell he was letting Nicole Vandemeer take the marriage license, which included his full, proper name, with her. He pulled back. “No, Nicole. I insist.”

The clerk stood behind the counter, her mouth hanging open. She shook herself out of her stupor. “If you rip that up, you’ll have to pay for a new one.”

Josh and Megan had barely scrounged together the money to pay for the first one. He gave a hard jerk and pulled it free. Knickers gasped as she stumbled backward, righting herself before she fell over.

Megan just watched the wrestling match with wide eyes.

Holding the paper to his chest, Josh said, “Megan, your mom’s right, we better go if we’re going to get to the rehearsal in time.”

She nodded, still speechless, and rushed toward the door, snagging Josh’s hand as she bolted. Nicole still hadn’t moved an inch—apparently frozen in place with shock—but she came to her senses as they hurried out the door.

“Whatever you do, do not lose that paper.”

Josh slowed down once they were halfway down the hallway, and Megan gave him a questioning glance.

“She does realize we’re adults, doesn’t she?” His disbelief was bleeding into irritation. “Professional, fully functional adults.”

Megan laughed as she opened the door to the stairwell. “Hello. Have you met my mother?”

Josh followed her and let the door close behind him. “She accused me of potentially losing our marriage license, Megan. Who would lose their marriage license?”

She stopped and wrapped her arms around Copyright 2016 - 2024