The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,100

ditch her before the wedding?

She studied his face as she stepped out of the restaurant, probably trying to judge his temperament. Her brow was lowered with worry and cautiousness. He vowed to make this as easy on her as possible, but he had no idea what that entailed. So he followed his gut, which meant recapturing their earlier happiness.

He closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms, kissing her with abandon, his deep fear of losing her fueling his passion.

She clutched at his chest, trying to pull him closer, as his arm tightened around her back and his other hand nestled the nape of her neck. He could feel her pulse racing, and the knowledge of how he affected her only turned him on more. But they were standing on a public sidewalk, and even if it wasn’t prime lunchtime, they’d already made enough of an exhibition of themselves. He lifted his head, pleased to see she was just as breathless as he was.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his hand caressing her neck. “I was irritated with Noah, and I took it out on you.”

“Josh, it’s okay.”

“It’s not, but I promise to try my best not to be an ass for the rest of the day.”

“Until tonight,” she said.

Rather than answering, he took the car keys from her hand. “Let’s go get a marriage license.”

As he drove to the courthouse, he reached over and interlaced his fingers with hers. She turned and offered him a soft smile and something in his chest felt warm and overwhelming. His hand squeezed hers tighter as he tried to decipher what he felt. He wasn’t big on hand-holding. It had always felt clingy and confining, yet here he was, not only instigating it, but enjoying it.

Using the map app on her phone, she gave him directions until he pulled into the parking lot of the gray stone building slightly after three thirty. “My mother is going to have a fit that we were late.”

“Only by a few minutes.”

“It’s enough to release the kraken,” she teased.

As they walked to the building, he held her hand again, grateful that she didn’t seem to mind.

When they entered the office of the recorder of deeds, Megan’s mother was sitting in an ancient vinyl chair, drumming her fingers on the arm. Josh was surprised she’d sit on something so tacky and most likely germy, but maybe she’d wiped it down with an antibacterial wipe first. A very unhappy man who appeared to be in his thirties sat next to her. A camera bag rested on the floor at his feet. He shot a glare at the both of them, then glanced at the phone in his hand.

“Hello again, Mom,” Megan said with a cheerful tone.

She pressed her mouth into a tight line. “You’re late.”

“Only by a few minutes.”

“Every minute counts. The office closes at four.”

“So why didn’t we do this sooner?”

“This is the only time the photographer could come.”

Megan turned her attention to the man who now stood behind her mother. She extended her hand to him, most likely as a peace offering. “Hi, I’m Megan. Thanks for indulging my mother’s eccentricities.”

She winked and he laughed and winked back, his mood visibly lightening.

Josh offered the man his own hand. “I’m Josh. The groom.” He hadn’t meant to add that part, but he hadn’t liked the way the photographer was acting with her.

What the hell? He’d never been jealous of previous girlfriends. But he had more serious issues to deal with than self-analysis—like the fact that he was here to not only file for a very real marriage license, but he had to keep his real last name a secret from the other two people in the room besides Megan.

They approached the counter and filled out the application, the photographer taking photos of them. Megan seemed irritated, but Josh was more concerned someone would announce his real last name and blow his cover.

A clerk took the application and their driver’s licenses. “That will be fifty-one dollars,” she said, giving them an expectant look.

“Do you take a credit or debit card?” Josh asked.

The woman’s mouth pursed with disapproval. “Cash only. Exact change. It’s very clearly stated on the website.”

Megan looked up at him, her eyes wide. There went his hope that she was prepared. He was surprised that Nicole hadn’t already slapped the bills on the counter in anticipation of their ill-preparedness. Apparently even she had her limits. But she’d slipped out the door, presumably to the restroom, and Copyright 2016 - 2024