Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,23

dropped a kiss to his mate’s lips.

The office door opened again. “Stop talking.”

A small, dark-haired woman stormed in, holding a hand up to the tall, lean, and scowling man behind her.

“Ryan,” Zhim growled.

“Uh-uh. I’m spamming you with kitten pictures as soon as we get home.”

Kor Magna’s premier information merchant groaned.

The woman smiled, her dark eyes dancing. “Sorry, lover’s tiff.” She winked. “He annoys me, I annoy him back, then we have wild, make-up sex.”

Maxon frowned, but Dayna and Bellamy both laughed.

“You’re Bellamy.” Ryan grabbed Bellamy’s hands. “I’m Ryan Nagano. This is the brilliant, genius, arrogant, and often-annoying love of my life, Zhim.”

The long-haired information merchant rolled his nebula-colored eyes. “Nice to meet you, Bellamy.”

“What did I miss?” Imperator Galen swept in.

“Zhim and Ryan’s lover’s tiff,” Jax said.

Galen flicked a glance at the pair, his single eye the color of ice. “I’m just glad that I no longer have to referee them.”

“Hi, Galen.” Ryan gave the imperator a kiss on his rugged cheek.

Magnus shifted. “Thank you all for coming. Bellamy has had a good idea concerning the Bari Batu arena. I thought we should all discuss it.”

Zhim leaned a hip against Rillian’s large desk. “We have news as well.”

“You go first,” Magnus said.

“The Edull have a race coming up. A big one.”

Bellamy gasped. Sensing her disquiet, Maxon reached out and touched her back. She leaned into him.

“It means they’ll get a big influx of slaves for the races.” Her hands balled into fists. “A lot of innocent people will die.”

“Not if we can help it,” Maxon growled.

Rillian leaned against his desk. “I’ll keep working with my contacts. I’ve had some success deterring both spectators and competitors with battle bots from going anywhere near Bari Batu.”

“Keep it up,” Magnus said.

“Bellamy,” Rillian said. “You had an idea regarding the arena?”

She cleared her throat, then launched into her idea about destroying the mag-tech and crashing the arena.

Zhim arched a brow. “Brilliant. Do you know how to do this?”

Bellamy grimaced. “That’s the only problem. I’ve never been near the mag-tech. It’s kept hidden and well protected.”

“Drak,” Rillian murmured.

Dayna, leaning against the desk beside Rillian, crossed her ankles. “Before any attack, we need to know exactly where this tech is, and how we can take it down.”

“Yes,” Magnus agreed.

Zhim crossed his arms. “I’ll see if we can find any info on this mag-tech through other channels. The Edull must have purchased parts from somewhere. If we can get the intel, then a team can go in to destroy the mag-tech.”

“I can lead the team in,” Bellamy said. “I know the layout of the arena, and how to get through their security better than anyone.”

Maxon had known this was coming. He gritted his teeth together so hard that his jaw creaked. He’d agreed to help her, but he still didn’t like it.

Bellamy turned to look at him, and he managed to give her a nod. She smiled back at him.

He wanted her safe, but he understood her need for revenge. He’d felt that same twisting need after his family’s abandonment.

“I suggest you use the big race as cover,” Zhim said. “Pretend to go in as guests. The place will be packed and busy, so you’re less likely to be spotted in areas where you’re not supposed to be.”

“When is the race?” Bellamy asked.

“In three days.”

“It doesn’t give us much time to get more information on the mag-tech,” Rillian said.

“We have to,” Bellamy said fiercely.

Magnus nodded. “Everyone, tap your contacts. Whatever it takes. My cyborgs and I will plan the mission.”

“My ships and any other resources are at your disposal,” Rillian said.

“So how can we get an invite to the race?” Magnus asked.

“Unfortunately, not very easily.” Zhim frowned. “The Edull have increased security since you and Galen, along with Rillian’s assistance, have done so well scaring off a lot of their customers.”

“I know someone,” Galen said. “He’s off-planet royalty from the Sarkany System. He’d be able to secure an invite, and he’s a good man. He could take our people in as part of his entourage.”

“Good,” Magnus said. “Get the invite, Galen. We have three days to plan.”

Maxon’s hands curled into fists. Three days before Bellamy ran headlong back into danger.

Bellamy stepped out of the Dark Nebula Casino and scanned the busy street. Even here in the middle of the city, the hot desert sun beat down. She vowed to come back to the casino soon and have some fun: eat too much, drink something bubbly, and play.

She glanced over at Maxon. His face was set like stone.

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