Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,22

nightmares. I hope you’ll dream of me.”

She licked her lips. “You’re a tease, cyborg.” A sexy smile tipped her lips and she cocked her hip. “Well, you can go to your empty bed, and think of me in mine, with my hands between my legs, stroking, and imagining my hands all over your big body.”

The little temptress. Heat poured into his gut and he growled.

Then she cupped his jaw. “Thank you, Maxon. For fighting for me, for protecting me, and for understanding that I need to be a part of this fight.”

She slipped into her room, shot him a wink, and closed the door.

Maxon let out a breath. His cock was pressing hard against his trousers. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.

But what bothered him most was the nagging feeling that something bad was coming. A dark cloud was gathering on the horizon and every instinct he had told him that it was centered on Bellamy.

Chapter Nine

Maxon stayed close to Bellamy as they entered the Dark Nebula Casino the next morning.

She was practically vibrating with energy. She was also surrounded by House of Rone cyborgs.

Magnus was in the lead, and beside her were Jax and Mace. Maxon was right behind her. They were not giving the Edull’s assassins another chance to get to her.

She’d outlined her plan to Maxon and Magnus last night. Now, they would meet their allies—Galen, Zhim, and Rillian—to discuss it more.

Bellamy looked around at the opulence of the casino lobby, then arched her head around Mace’s bulk to get a better look through the large, grand doorway into the main casino area.

“No.” Maxon rested a hand on her shoulder. He wasn’t going to let her expose herself.

She wrinkled her nose as they crossed the glossy lobby. “The place looks amazing. When this is over, I’m coming back here.”

He touched her face. He wanted her safe. “I’ll bring you.”

She looked back at him, surprise and pleasure in her eyes.

Drak. This woman was worming under his skin without even trying to. Maxon wasn’t sure he liked it, but knew for certain he didn’t want to change it.

A Dark Nebula security officer dressed in a fitted, black uniform showed them to an elevator and entered a code so it would take them to the top level.

The elevator zoomed upward, and it wasn’t long before it opened, disgorging them into a plush hall.

They walked down it toward a set of large, glossy doors. Magnus thumped his fist against the wood.

“Come in,” a deep voice replied.

They walked into a huge, spacious office, with a semicircle of glass windows that reached ceiling to floor.

Bellamy sucked in a breath. Maxon looked at the view. It was worth a gasp or two. Rillian’s office provided a dazzling view of Kor Magna—the lights and glitz of the District, the arena not far away, the sprawl of the city beyond. Even a glimpse of the desert in the distance.

Then Maxon watched Bellamy take in the man who rose from behind the desk.

“Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Hubba hubba.”

Rillian was rich, and it showed. He wore tailored, dark trousers and a crisp, blue shirt made of a fine fabric. The man’s bronze skin, handsome face, and black hair that fell almost to his shoulders vied with his long, lean body.

Maxon fought off a scowl. She didn’t need to drool over the man like a rabid desert night beast.

“Magnus.” Rillian stepped forward. The owner of the Dark Nebula Casino might be dressed in immaculate clothing, but the way he moved screamed predator. He exuded power.

Every one of Maxon’s senses warned him that this man was dangerous, despite the urbane charm. He was well aware that Rillian was bonded to an alien symbiont that gave the man deadly abilities.

“You must be Bellamy,” Rillian said.

She shook his hand. “And you must be gorgeous.”

Maxon swallowed a growl.

Rillian smiled. “Thank you. My lovely mate from Earth thinks so.”

“Lucky lady.”

“I’m the one who’s lucky. She’ll be here soon. Dayna is excited to meet you, Bellamy.” The casino owner’s face turned serious. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through.”

“I’m free now.” A sharp smile tipped Bellamy’s lips. “And the Edull are going down one way or another.”

“A woman after my own heart,” a feminine voice said from the doorway.

Maxon turned his head and saw the tall brunette stride in.

“I’m Dayna.” She had long legs, a fit body, and thick, brown hair. She smiled at Bellamy.

The women hugged.

“I’m so glad you’re well.” Dayna moved to stand beside Rillian. The casino owner

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