Watch Me (Phoenix #1) - Stacey Kennedy Page 0,56


Hunt nodded with a warm smile. “She came forward.”

Ten minutes ago, he was ready to walk away from New York City and go to Zoey. The plane ticket was bought. His plan set. Of course she’d completely derailed him; that had been her style since day one. Rhys turned away from the window. “How do you know this?”

“I saw her today at the station. They brought her in to give her statement. She looked…strong.”

“She’s always been strong,” Rhys said, returning to his seat.

“And about moving to Sacramento,” Archer said. “I’m not sure if that’s the wisest idea.” At Rhys’ arched eyebrow, Archer added, “After Hunt told me about Jake’s arrest, I did a little digging. Zoey flew back to New York City this morning, but she also came with the two suitcases she left with.”

Rhys couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe.

“All right, Rhys, I need to go to one of your meetings, so I need to run,” William said, sidling up to the group.


William’s brows went up. “No?”

“No to all of it,” Rhys said and smiled at his inner circle of friends. “Looks like I’m staying in New York City after all.”

A long pause. Then William reached into his pocket, concern heavy on his face. “That’s it. You’ve fucking lost it. I’m calling your mother.”

Kieran jumped up from his seat and wrapped an arm around William’s neck. “Come on, Willie, tuck that phone away, and I’ll grab ya another drink.”

Rhys turned his attention to Hunt. “Where’s Zoey now?”

“I suspect she’s still at the station,” Hunt replied.

Archer rose. “What do you need from us?”

Rhys glanced at his cousin. “Get William drunk enough that he passes out. He’s going to talk to my parents, and I’d like to talk with Zoey before that happens.”

Hunt cocked his head, well aware of what Rhys’s family was like and how they’d react if William called them. “To prepare her for the Harrington storm coming her way?”

Rhys would need to explain why he’d been so wishy-washy to his parents. But there was one thing to take care of before he did that, and Zoey played a huge part in it. Rhys chuckled. “Yeah, something like that.”

Chapter 15

“Thank you for your statement, Ms. Parker. You can leave now.”

Zoey rose from her seat in the New York City Police Department, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her chest, but she didn’t touch the USB stick that sat on the table between her and the detectives. The evidence of Rhys’ conversation with Scott and Jake would no doubt get a conviction against Jake. She left the two stoic detectives behind in the cold room and headed down the hallway. All the fear, all the shame, no longer felt buried. Freedom made the world vivid again.

“Zoey, honey, we’re over here.”

She turned, seeing her parents in the waiting room. Warmth filled her as she hurried to their side, moving immediately into their arms. She never could have imagined her parents’ supportive reaction. Or the outcome of revealing the truth. That, while she had exposed herself to the world, telling the truth made her feel safer. Made her feel free. She felt the power of each word she spoke during her statement. Maybe it wasn’t the revenge she’d once thought she deserved, but she knew she had taken a step to make the world a better place. To keep other women safe. Part of Jake’s control had been to shame her so she buried her secret.

Not anymore. Never again.

“We’re so proud of you, sweetie,” said her mom, giving Zoey a big kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks.” She stepped back, sighing heavily. “Honestly, I’m just glad that’s all over. Those detectives are intense.”

“You did good,” her dad said, ushering them through another door. “I can only imagine how intimidating that interview must have been.”

“Just a little,” Zoey admitted with a soft laugh.

When they moved out to the large, open foyer of the police station, Hilary rose from the couch near the wall of windows. “Did it go okay?” she asked after rushing forward and gathering Zoey in her arms.

“Yeah,” Zoey said, hugging her back. “It felt good to say what happened aloud. Actually, easier than I was expecting.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Hilary said, backing away. “Feels good to stick it to him, right?”

Zoey laughed softly. “Definitely.”

“Hey, Hil.”

Hilary glanced over her shoulder, and Zoey caught sight of a cute guy waving at Hilary. “That’s my boyfriend, Nathan,” Hilary explained. “I’m sure with Jake’s trial, we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, but Copyright 2016 - 2024