Watch Me (Phoenix #1) - Stacey Kennedy Page 0,55

disbelief. “Fuck, Rhys, I am not you. You’ve got meetings scheduled for the next month. You honestly want to bail on those?” He blinked twice. “Okay, what the hell is going on? Are you having a mental breakdown? Do you need help? I can get that for you.”

Rhys had never been so certain about anything before. And yet, he understood William’s concern. Rhys never acted impulsively. But time and time again, Zoey made him break his own rules. He leaned his elbows on his bent knees. He couldn’t tell his cousin the reason he was leaving was for Zoey. That news would get to his father. And the last thing he wanted was for Zoey to be the target of his father’s wrath for being the reason he left his responsibilities behind. Rhys knew how to thwart his father. Zoey did not. “My sanity is fine. Reschedule important meetings over Zoom. Go to dinner meetings on my behalf.” Because that’s how finance worked. Schmooze the right people. Keep contacts and close relationships tight. Let them know how sweet it was to be in the Harrington circle.

William blinked. “Have you talked to your father about this?”

“I don’t need to discuss my plans with anyone,” Rhys countered.

William paled a little, shuffling through the papers. “All right, all right. Shit, all right.” A bead of sweat slid down the side of William’s cheek. He gave Rhys a look of disbelief. “You’re planning on running your life in New York from Sacramento? This is insane.”

“What’s insane?”

Rhys glanced sideways, realizing that Archer, Hunt, and Kieran had arrived. Rhys had hoped to have his conversation with William wrapped up before then. “Give us a minute,” he told William, who looked slightly wobbly as he rose.

“I’ll go have a drink at the bar,” his cousin said. He nodded a greeting to Rhys’ friends before leaving the sitting area.

Kieran chuckled at the retreating William. “What did you do to him? He looks ready to puke.”

Rhys exhaled deeply as they all took seats around him. This was the hardest part. “I wanted to wait to tell you all this until I had everything lined up, but I’m moving to Sacramento.”

The silence was deafening.

Rhys chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever rendered you all speechless before.”

Archer countered, “I don’t think you’ve ever hit us with such a bombshell before. When did you decide this?”

“It’s been in the works since the night Zoey told me she was leaving,” he explained, hating the sadness he noted in his friends’ eyes. “It’s not an easy decision for me. I didn’t come to it lightly, but you’re right, I need to fight.”

“For her?” Hunt offered.

Rhys nodded. “She can’t do New York City, and understandably so, but I can do Sacramento. It’s just going to take some planning.”

Archer cocked his head. “She’s the one, then?”

“I think we all knew that from day one.” Rhys smiled. “Listen, I’ve got a big ask, but I’ll be renting my condo, and I’ll need to hire a manager to oversee the cigar club. Archer, you can handle Phoenix until we get someone to step in my place. We’ll have to look at this from all angles, but—”

“Let me stop you there,” Hunt said, offering his typical sly smile. “You know we’ve got your back and would help you figure all this out, but I really hate to break it to you, buddy; you’re not going anywhere.”

Rhys tipped his head back and let out a frustrated breath. “Please do not give me a hard time about this. It’s not easy to leave any of you.” He dropped his chin and glanced between his friends. “But this is happening. I’m leaving tonight.”

Hunt’s smile widened. “While I’ve totally got the warm fuzzies over the love fest you’re showing us, what I mean is, you’re not going anywhere, because an arrest warrant was just filed for Jake. Zoey flew back to New York City with her parents to speak out against him this morning. Between Hilary’s statement and Zoey’s, it was enough to press charges.”

Rhys rose, thrusting his hands in his hair. He moved to the window and cracked it open to get some fresh air, hardly able to believe what he’d heard. Delight filled him that she was facing her fears head-on and testifying against Jake. He’d been so worried she lost herself like Katherine did, but he’d never been happier to be wrong. He shut his eyes and breathed deeply, gathering his thoughts, then he glanced back over his shoulder. “She came Copyright 2016 - 2024