Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,85

his shoulder.

I heard myself laughing. “No way.”

Though I tried my best, I only managed to hobble out to the stairwell about halfway before Charlie’s arms tangled around me and lifted me off the floor.

“Oh, come on!”

“I ain’t waiting ‘round forever.”

“That’s ridiculous.” I feigned annoyance and crossed my arms over my chest. But neither one of us could pretend I didn’t enjoy being in Charlie’s arms. “I wasn’t going that slowly.”

I felt the morning sun on my face and flinched at the brightness, though I was glad to see the sun had finally gotten through. “You’re right.” He grinned. “’Sides, I would wait forever.”

He took my hand and led me to the same edge of Deck A, where he had first held me in his arms and I had been so grateful for the touch. He dug into his pockets and presented me with a small flip phone that was almost false-looking from its thin plastic veneer.

“Remember—” He hesitated in handing it to me. “Fifteen seconds.”

“Okay, okay.” I was bouncing on my toes. “I don’t need a lecture.”

Charlie was reluctant in handing me the phone. I could sense something was amiss when the flesh of his fingers touched mine, though what it was exactly had not become quite clear to me just then. I suspected a great deal of his stress had to deal with his tiredness.

“When I’m done with this, you should go take a nap.”

“No.” His voice was firm.

I smiled. He sounded like a stubborn child. “Why not?”

He shrugged. “I only get so much time with you. I don’t want to spend it sleepin’.”

I was overwhelmed with Charlie’s open fondness for me. It caused a feeling of warmth in me. While I had always been a member of a loving family, it had never exactly been an expressive one, and now someone who I cared for immensely brought no hesitation to the table to show those same emotions toward me. It was more than a little intimidating.

Without the proper words to express myself, I brushed the stubble back on Charlie’s chin, kissing the peak of his bottom lip.

Robbie picked up on the first ring. This alone put me off because I knew they didn’t allow him to have phones at the base. I figured Dad might pick up, but if I got lucky enough, I would get voice mail.



“Addie! Addie, where are you? Are you okay?” Although he was shouting, I struggled to hear him over the shuffling of something in the background. The sound of an object crashing reached my ears and I heard Dad’s voice.

“Robbie, I’m okay. Tell Dad I’m okay before he hurts himself.” It sounded so good to hear their voices again, I felt my innards ache to be home.

“Addie, just tell us where you are and Dad and I will come and get you.” Dad and Robbie were trying to shout into the phone, asking questions and saying my name. I smiled, I could easily picture them fighting over the receiver.

“I can’t do that, Robbie.”

They both went silent.

“Why, Addie? Are you hurt? Just—”

“I’m okay, Dad. I’m completely unhurt and I’ll be home soon. You have to take my word on this one.”

“Addie, please, just tell us where you are.”

“I promise everything is okay. I love you guys, please don’t worry.”

Then I hung up before they could say anything else.

I handed the phone to Charlie, unaware my hand was shaking from the short interaction. Maybe what set me off the most was knowing how far away I was from it all, how much had changed in such a short amount of time.

Charlie threw the phone into the dark waves, though it was easily lost by the rays of the sun and I never saw where it landed.

I nodded and smiled stiffly. I could feel the sun and salt in my skin and suddenly I felt gross and repugnant, dirty and unclean. The need to refresh myself was almost unbearable.

“I think I need to get cleaned up.”

Charlie only nodded and we walked across the deck hand in hand, this being my only comfort as I thought of my worrisome dad and brother who were probably more worried than ever. I only hoped my calm demeanor hadn’t worried them further.

After I used the restroom, I washed my face and hands, then brushed my teeth, using my finger and some toothpaste. It was far from ideal, but I did feel better. I then pulled my hair up, even taking the time to use the bobby pin in my

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