Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,84

smiled, kissed me on the nape of my neck. “I’m real glad you found me.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. Charlie laughed in my ear. “I love when you do that.”

“Stop trying to change the subject. What were you going to say?”

He laughed even louder and threw his head back. It was good to see him happy. It made me warm on the inside.

“You ain’t gonna let me get away with that, are you?”


“I was saying that I wanted you to call your family. It can only be for a few seconds, but you need to do it. They’ve loved you your whole life and you’ve been gone for days. I’ve just loved you for the better part of a week and losing you just ‘bout drove me crazy. It ain’t no wonder why your old man is making such a fuss—”

My mouth silenced his by plummeting the two together, an act that he accepted and actively participated in. I could taste the fresh flavor of clove, tobacco, and mint while I eagerly took his lips as my own. He latched onto me, desperate and grateful to touch, to please. Any remainder of a chill that lingered in my body immediately fled as my muscles seemed to melt in his hands. But once again I cursed my functional lungs when they begged for breath and pulled away when they pleaded for release.

“What,” he gasped, “was that for?”

I smiled at the shadow of his rapidly growing beard. “Just to make sure you understand how you inspire me.”

He sighed and shuddered all at once. “You got no idea what that means to me.”

For a while we just held each other in the blankets and shredded quilts that consumed most of the bed. With his fingers, he attempted to untangle the mess of my hair while I forced him to elevate his damaged hand and keep it unmoving.

“Doesn’t this hurt?”

“I’m used to it.” I remembered the cigarette burn and frowned. I didn’t like the sound of that at all.

“Charlie, why does it have to be that we can’t see each other after all this?”

I felt him tense up instantly. “Addie, I don’t expect you—”

Again, I put my finger to his lips to silence him. “Just hear me out, okay?” He was still clenched, bracing himself. “Things will probably be crazy for awhile. I’m not naïve enough to not know that. But after some time when things cool off, we could meet somewhere.”

He opened his mouth to speak again, but I wouldn’t let him. “There are colleges and universities all over the world, Charlie. I can find one and be anywhere you are.”

“It ain’t that simple, Addie. I’m a thief. That’s who I am, that’s what I’ll always be. I don’t know how to do nothin’ else.”

“That’s not true and you know it.”

“You shouldn’t be stupid for me.”

“Just listen! I’m not asking you to do anything else, Charlie. I don’t like how you make your money, but all you have to do is be you and I’m going to be around. Have you ever heard any of those stories about crazy, stalker people?” I pointed to myself dramatically. “Well, I, sir, intend to be one of them.”

I pulled him close while he smiled. “I’m going to have you whether you like it or not.”

His eyebrow shot up. “You’d chase me?”

I attempted my best imitation of an angry Charlie. “It wouldn’t be an option.”

We kissed once more, our laughter blending in together like so many shades of blue and green.

We compromised about calling Dad, deciding that calling Robbie’s cell phone would be less dangerous for everyone involved, as the odds were it would go right to voicemail and there wouldn’t be a trace on it. Even if there was, keeping the phone call less than fifteen seconds wouldn’t be enough to secure our location, while at least telling Dad and Robbie I was alive. After that, Charlie would throw the cell phone into the ocean and we would be in Singapore within a few hours.

I tried to straighten myself up as best I could. My ankle still throbbed a little, but the swelling was down significantly from the night before, so I knew it was only a sprain.

Charlie lounged on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, watching me thoughtfully. “Do you want me to carry you?”

I smiled wistfully. “I’m okay.”

“What if I wanted to carry you?” He reached his long arm behind my knees and pulled me over to him until I fell over

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