Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,57

been remarried?”

How did the press know that? They hadn’t given any specifics about Jake or her marriage in that prepared speech. Kate saw Ryan’s jaw clench out of the corner of her eye. It was the only time through the whole press conference she’d seen him flinch.

“Ask another question,” Ryan cut in before she could answer.

“Ms. Alexander,” another reporter asked. “Have you filed for divorce from Mr. Harrison?”

Again, Kate watched Ryan’s jaw tighten, and she quickly answered before his temper kicked in. “At this point, we’ve hardly had time to digest the information, let alone make any decisions about the future.” She pointed to another reporter.

“Ms. Alexander, we understand you have a son. Have you had paternity tests run to verify if Mr. Harrison is his father?”

“We will not be discussing our children,” Ryan said before Kate could answer. “Any reporter who attempts to question our children will have to deal with me personally.”

Kate sensed his waning patience. “We’ll take one more question.” She pointed to a bald man in the fourth row.

“Mr. Harrison,” he began. “Considering California is a community property state, what legal action have you taken to protect yourself financially from Ms. Alexander and her lawyer from filing for divorce and seizing half your assets? It’s basically a foregone conclusion at this point. Isn’t it a nice little coincidence she waited until your net worth was at its peak to suddenly show up on the scene?” There was a hint of sarcasm in the man’s voice that said he couldn’t wait to see Ryan Harrison knocked down a notch.

“I’ll kindly remind you that you’re speaking about my wife,” Ryan snapped before Kate could step in and diffuse the question. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what conclusions you draw from the situation. Your freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to pry into my personal life. This press conference is over.” He stepped away from the mike, grasped Kate’s hand, and pulled her behind him out of the conference room.

His assistant was already holding the elevator when they swept into the hall. Ryan let go of Kate’s hand as soon as the doors closed behind them. A muscle in his jaw twitched like it had a life of its own.

Kate swallowed, not quite sure what to say or do. When the elevator doors opened, Ryan yanked off his tie and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. He tossed his jacket across the back of the couch and stalked into the adjoining bedroom. Kate let out a deep breath and closed her eyes as the door slammed shut.

That had gone about as well as a root canal. She couldn’t wait to see the papers tomorrow morning.

The door opened behind her, and a wave of suits filled the room. Hannah Hughes strolled in, slipped off her glasses, and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Well,” she said on a sigh, “that went well. So much for all the prep work we did with Ryan.”

Talking with Ryan’s VP of whatever wasn’t high on Kate’s list right now. She headed for the bedroom.

“I’d rethink that if I were you, Ms. Alexander,” Hannah said as she sat on a barstool and one of the other suits handed her a drink. “You’ll want to give him a while to calm down.”

“The hell I do.” Kate thrust the door open with her hip. It slapped closed behind her.

Ryan stood across the room with one hand braced high on the window frame, looking out across the bay at the waves of rain dousing the city.

“You really have a way with reporters, Ryan. I can see why the press loves you as much as they do.”

“Go away. I’m not in the mood.”

A half laugh, half yell bubbled through her. “I don’t really care what you’re in the mood for. You weren’t the only one in that room downstairs and if anyone should be upset it’s me. They didn’t sandblast your character or your intentions in this situation, just mine. They made me out to be some slut gold digger who turned up on your doorstep because she wants your money.”

When he didn’t respond, she stepped farther into the room, a little concerned he actually believed that bullshit they were throwing around down there. “Turn around when I’m talking to you. I’ve a right to see your face when we’re arguing.”

He spun around, and the enraged eyes and bulging vein in his temple told her his temper had reached its limit. “You’ve got no rights when

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