Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,56


Simone leaned over. “You okay?”

Kate nodded, though what she really wanted to do was throw up.

Hannah Hughes spoke first, bringing a hush over the fifty or so reporters gathered in the room. “Good morning,” she said in a firm and confident voice. “I’m Hannah Hughes, Vice President of Public Relations for AmCorp. I’d like to lay some ground rules before we get started. Mr. Harrison and Ms. Alexander have asked me to read a statement, during which we request you refrain from asking questions. Afterwards, Mr. Harrison and Ms. Alexander will open the floor up for a brief question-and-answer session.”

She slipped on her glasses and glanced down at the prepared statement. “Five years ago, Mr. Harrison’s wife of seven years, seismologist Anne Harrison, boarded flight 1466 bound for Denver, Colorado.” What followed was a vague description of the events that brought them together.

Hannah didn’t seem to miss a beat as she read through the statement. She kept right on going, her gaze steady across the sea of reporters, never looking at any one person for very long, never showing a hint of emotion. The reporters listened intently, jotting notes and focusing on her words. Hannah glanced up when she finished, then stepped back and let Kate and Ryan approach the mike. Nervous tension ran through Kate, but she did her best to smile when the cameras turned on her.

“Good morning,” Ryan said. “If we’d have known there was going to be a three-ring circus here today, we’d have booked a clown for the festivities.” He flashed a mesmerizing smile—one Kate had never seen before—and several people in the audience laughed.

“Unfortunately,” he went on, his face hardening, “this situation is anything but a laughing matter. I don’t think I need to tell you that we’re just as shocked by recent developments as you are. Upon completion of this press conference, neither Ms. Alexander nor myself will be answering questions regarding our personal lives. I’d appreciate your cooperation in this, and request that you give us the space we need to deal with this situation on our own.”

As soon as he paused, a wave of arms shot into the air, followed by voices trying to be heard. Ryan pointed to one reporter and waited. “Can you tell us who recognized Ms. Alexander?” the man asked.

“Yes. Simone Conners, a lawyer here in the city.”

“Ms. Alexander,” another reporter asked, “can you explain how your memory has been affected since your accident?”

“I can try,” Kate said with a smile. “I’m not able to remember anything before waking up from that coma. My memory basically started eighteen months ago.”

Hands went up all over the room, and Kate pointed to a young female with red hair. “Ms. Alexander, how did you end up in Houston?”

“If I had the answer to that question we wouldn’t be standing here right now, would we?” She smiled and called on another reporter.

“Ms. Alexander,” a bald man with thick glasses asked, “did you recognize Mr. Harrison when you saw him?”

“No. I’ve seen plenty of pictures of Mr. Harrison, his reputation is legendary, but I never recognized him.”

“Ms. Alexander,” another reporter asked with a smile. “What do you think of Mr. Harrison’s renowned and somewhat ruthless reputation?”

For reasons she’d never understand, the press seemed to be focusing in on her. Kate tried to keep a calm outward appearance, but inside her stomach flopped all over the place like a fish out of water. Working for a smile, she said, “Mr. Harrison appears to be a shrewd business man, but I assure you he’s human just like everyone else.”

Her response garnered a wave of laughter from the crowd and raised brows from Ryan.

Kate pointed to another man. “Mr. Harrison,” this one asked, “how does it feel to see your wife again after five years and not have her recognize you?”

Ryan ignored the question, pointing instead to a young blonde in the front row. Kate shifted her feet, recognizing the tension pulsing from Ryan.

“Ms. Alexander,” the female reporter asked. “What are your intentions at this point?”

“At this point, I simply want to get to know my family again. I’m going to expect the press gives us time to accomplish that goal.”

Kate pointed to a reporter in the third row. “Mr. Harrison, what was your reaction when you saw your wife for the first time?”

“Shock.” He pointed to another reporter, obviously not wanting to elaborate or give them anything to go on.

“Ms. Alexander,” the man asked, “how did Mr. Harrison react when he found out you’d

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