Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,29

she’s as hot as you say, it could turn into a date.”

The rig bounced down the gravel road. Ryan had a sickening feeling as to where this was headed. “Please tell me you aren’t seeing Simone Conners.”

Mitch glanced in the rearview mirror. “Why not? You yourself said she was my type.”

Ryan rested his elbow on the window ledge and massaged his aching forehead. “I lied. She’s got a kid. You don’t date women with kids, remember?”

“I like kids. Look at Julia.”

“Julia’s an anomaly. Normal kids don’t give a rip about geology. Besides, I thought you were seeing some archaeologist. Redhead, looked like a model?”

Mitch shrugged. “I was. She took off on a dig. Didn’t work out.”

“Does it ever with you?”

“Hey, now. Don’t get all pissy with me just because you’re in a bad mood. Maybe Simone Conners is ‘the one’.”

Ryan let out a smug huff. “There is no ‘one’ with you, Mitch.”

“There could be. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I’m tired of chasing skirts?”

“Yeah, right. And the moon is made of cheese.”

“Hey, I have a soft side. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to cuddle now and then. It’s not always about sex.”

“If you even think about uttering the words love and marriage right now, I’ll puke.”

Mitch frowned. “Look, if it makes you feel any better, I’m sure, hot or not, she won’t go out with me. Not now, at least.”

Something in his tone and the way he checked the rearview mirror again made Ryan glance back at Julia. Her eyes were already closed, her head resting against the window.

“She’s representing Kate,” Mitch finished quietly.

Ryan’s head snapped around. “What do you mean, representing?”

“As in, Simone is Kate’s lawyer.”

“For what reason?”

“I’m not sure.” They pulled onto the highway. “Right now, it sounds like she’s the one handling the DNA testing. Once that’s done, there could be…other…legal issues.”

“Goddammit. We don’t even know anything yet, and she’s already hired herself a fucking lawyer?”

“Don’t get all worked up. Yet. You and I both think she’s Annie. If she is, there’ll be some legal things to decide.”

“You mean custody issues.” Ryan swore under his breath and looked out the window.

“She’s not gonna make a move for Julia when she doesn’t even know her.”

“Yet,” Ryan murmured. Dammit, if she was Annie, he wanted her to get to know Julia. He’d never try to block that. But he wouldn’t put up with her forcing her way in, either. “She’s not gonna waltz in here and fuck up my life. How long have you known this little bit of info?”

Mitch grimaced, keeping his eyes on the road. “A few days. Look, I’m with you on this one. I don’t think she should get custody, but Ryan, if she’s Julia’s mother, she has a right to get to know her.”

“Do you think I’d get in the way of that?”

“No, I don’t. But she doesn’t know that. If her story’s straight, then she doesn’t know a thing about us. She doesn’t know what we will or won’t do. As much as I hate it too, she was smart to get a lawyer.”

Ryan glared out the window. “I don’t want you meeting with Simone Conners.”

“That’s my call, not yours.”

Ryan felt that short leash on his emotions unraveling. “She was my wife.”

“And she was my sister. I have as much right to find out what’s going on as you do.”

“Don’t pull the I knew her longer than you did card on me, Mitch. It’s not the same, and you know it.”

“I do know it,” Mitch snapped. “But I loved her too, you son of a bitch, and I’m hurting right alone with you. And if meeting with Simone Conners can give me any hint as to what’s happening and when we’ll know more, then I’ll do it.”

Ryan clenched his jaw, looked out at the hills rushing by his window. He wasn’t pissed at Mitch. He was pissed at the whole situation. And his inability to deal with it all when everyone else seemed to be coping just fine. “Dammit, this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.”

“I know.” Mitch softened his tone. “Nothing’s happening yet. I just wanted you to be prepared for it, if it does.”

Ryan nodded, though what he wanted to do more was put his fist through the window. None of this was what he’d expected. Every time he thought about the whole fucked-up situation, something new hit him. And now all he could focus on was a possible custody battle down the road.

He wasn’t losing Julia

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