Voiceless - M. Sinclair Page 0,20

the packlands, I offered to help Lena since I had a good hand with numbers. She had told me that I would have been welcomed on the pack lands but that they couldn’t leave.

I had a feeling that once I went though, I wouldn’t be coming back. Call it instinct, but it felt like going there was a big commitment. Like massive. No one had said ‘mate’ to me directly but I could piece together that being the Alpha and both Beta’s mate in a pack wouldn’t be exactly a light matter. So instead, I’d helped her with her accounting and was immersed in it all of Sunday until Luca had called me.

Well, actually it was a video chat. I’d been nervous but I’d picked up and immediately his warm voice had me relaxing. He’d explained what Lena had said about an issue with pack shit and then told me he wanted to practice sign language.

In that moment I almost grabbed Lena’s keys to her car and said fuck it, wanting to see him despite the larger implications. I also hadn’t wanted to end our video call, so we had started practicing. I hadn’t been able to stop myself from smiling as I slowly went through my responses to his vocal words so he could repeat what he thought I was saying.

By the end of almost four hours, we were talking almost completely in sign language. I’d felt so stupidly happy for the rest of the night that I hadn’t been able to hide it from Lena. Something that she had loved, seemingly not weirded out by my connection to her brothers. I was glad I didn’t have to hide that, I already felt a really powerful connection with her and instinctively knew that we would be really close friends.

Monday, during the day, I’d spent texting my mates as they complained about pack shit I didn’t fully understand. That night each of them joined in on the Facetime call, Luca spending the last hour or so going through signing stuff with me. He’d been thrilled to be able to translate for his brothers and I knew the others were trying to learn as well. Honestly, I couldn’t even explain just how much that meant. I would have never asked anyone to learn a new language for me but the fact that they did… I could feel my magic reaching out to them and I was curious what would happen when I did see them again. I felt like there was something much larger in the air.

I wondered if maybe tonight was the night I should go over there. I had the urge to see them, even if only for a few minutes.

“What’s up?” I signed as she sat down in a huff.

“I need advice.” She sat down in the chair next to me and frowned. I knew this was about Ari, well at least in part, and I’d been curious when she would want to talk about the letter I’d essentially made Hunter give her.

What? Come on, the guy looked absolutely dejected!

I nodded for her to continue and she sighed, blowing out air. “Okay, so long story short. I have gotten myself into a bit of a mess. I am not fully talking to the guys right now because, well, we were supposed to talk, and they got called away for a job… but that’s not why I am ignoring them. The truth is, I am a bit of a chickenshit. I like all five of them and trust me they feel similar… but um, not all of them are okay with sharing.”


I quickly signed. “Are they your mates?”

I felt like a mate bond was undeniable, right? I mean, you just have to share if you have a mate bond with multiple people. My chest contracted at the thought of the guys fighting about sharing me or one of them dating someone else instead. Bile almost came up my throat as I tried to shake myself. Yeah. That wouldn’t happen.

She scowled. “Bunny shifters are a little on the odd side. Usually they choose their mates, but it isn’t that way on the other end. Not all of them are wolves either so they don’t fully understand that the others’ mate bonds they feel are not something they can control. It is a complete hot mess. It’s super confusing and I have no idea what the fuck to do--”

I tilted my head and interrupted. “Lena, babe, the guy is crazy over

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