Violence (Antihero Inferno #3) - Lily White Page 0,60

leads me into a sitting room off to the side of the foyer.

I take a seat on a wingback chair and fold my hands demurely in my lap. I don’t miss the flash of light on my engagement ring, that little flicker causing my stomach to roll again as I close my eyes, take a breath, and open them again.

It was dumb of me to sit down in the first place, especially when I push to my feet as soon as William Cross walks into the room, his dark eyes looking me over with interest and curiosity.

William’s a tall man, his shoulders just as broad as his sons’. But while the twins are carved in all the right places, the years have only packed weight onto their father.

He appears soft compared to them. But I don’t let that fool me into believing he’s anything less than a monster.

It also surprises me to see William’s face cut up and bruised. Somebody recently fought with this man, the evidence of it reminding me what Ezra and Damon looked like coming back from those horrible weekends.

I’m not upset to see William beat to shit. He deserves it. But I fight against what I want to do to him after remembering the marks always left on the twins because of him.

Forcing a fake smile on my face, I take a breath and play the game.

“What a pleasant surprise to see you, Emily.”

Reaching out, he takes my hand and pulls it to his lips to kiss the top. Nausea rolls through me at the contact.

A slimy smile stretches his lips as he lets my hand go and meets my stare.

“Why don’t we have a seat? I have to admit I’m extremely interested to find out why you’re here today. I’ve been waiting on pins and needles ever since you called.”


Arriving at a small diner close to the city, I pull into a parking spot and turn off the car. Both Damon and I sit back in our seats and stare at the large plate glass windows in front.

Stars glimmer overhead because I never have the doors or top on the ‘77 Jeep CJ7 Shane and Priest restored for me several years ago.

There’s a chill in the air, but that’s not what’s causing goose bumps to run over my skin or my muscles to be tight over my shoulders.

No. Those goose bumps and that tension belong to a certain redhead I know is waiting in the diner to eat dinner with both of us.

Damon is more excited than anything, his head turning my way as a grin stretches his lips.

“Any particular reason she demanded to meet us in public?”


I demanded it.

Not that I’ll tell him that.

“She’s probably worried you’ll attempt to sidestep the friends only thing.”

More like I’m worried.

He scoffs.

“Whatever. I’ll take her however I can have her. Come on.”

Except I know my brother when it comes to Emily. He won’t be able to help himself when it comes to touching her. Not that I can blame him. The three of us spent a lot of time doing things we shouldn’t, even after promising it would be just once.

It’s hard as hell to let those memories go.

Damon jumps out his side of the Jeep, and I jump out after him, both of us with a ground-eating stride that is in perfect step as we approach the front doors.

We’ve spent a lifetime making people believe we’re exactly alike, so it’s common for us to move the same way and walk the same speed when we’re together.

As far as most of the world knows, we’re mirror images. It’s only the Inferno...and Emily...who can tell us apart, even from a distance.

Once inside, Damon and I both look around for Em, and when he takes off quickly to his right, I assume he found her.

The bastard almost knocks over a waitress on his way to Emily’s table, his head shaking as he says something to her and steps back.

She smiles, the expression nervous as her eyes cut my direction and she stands up from the booth.

Damon immediately wraps his arms around her and lifts her up, making a show about it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him spin her around, but thank fuck there’s not enough room for that.

Emily laughs as she braces her hands on his shoulders, her body sliding against his as he sets her down on her feet.

My jaw tics to watch the display of affection, especially since she won’t be getting the same from me.

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