Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,58

like the idea of someone we barely knew out there with his hands on her. But Nora deserved her space and despite all my better judgment, I had to respect that.

Two minutes later, she came back inside.

“How is the lovely Luca?”

“Jealousy looks good on you.” Her lips curved into a knowing smirk and I bristled.

“What did you tell him?”

“That I have to go away for a family emergency.”

“Good, that’ll buy us some time. Do you have everything?”

“I think so.”

I nodded. “Let’s go.”

We didn’t take my car. It was too risky. I had Maurice drive us to La Riva, with another security detail tailing behind us.

Nora was quiet on the ride there, texting somebody back and forth. I wanted to ask if it was Luca, to find out what was really going on between them, but I didn’t.

It wouldn’t change anything.

The most important thing right now was figuring out who this fucker was and bringing him down. Everything else could wait.

When we pulled up at Uncle Toni’s house, everyone was already congregated. Arianne rushed over to Nora the second she climbed out of the black SUV.

“Thank God. I’ve been so worried.”

“I’m fine,” she said, hugging Ari back. “But I’ll be a damn sight better when somebody tells me what the hell is going on.” Her eyes went to mine, but Nicco called my name.

“Enzo.” He welcomed me with open arms and the two of us hugged. “It’s good to see you,” he said. “Is she okay?”

“She’s Nora,” I said with a slight shrug and he chuckled.

“Nora, you’re here,” Alessia skipped out of the house with Bella in tow, but they both stopped in their tracks when another car rolled into the Marchetti driveway.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” I barked, watching Tristan Capizola climb out of the driver’s side.

“I invited him,” Nicco said, shooting me a warning look to play nice. “He’s family now, and I want as many people looking out for the girls as possible.”

He meant Arianne—he wanted as many people as possible looking out for Arianne. I couldn’t blame him, but there had been a time when Tristan was the enemy.

I guess a lot had changed.

“I’m glad you called,” he said, coming over to us. “Where do you want me?”

“You’re with us. Luis,” Nicco beckoned Ari’s personal bodyguard over. “Take the girls into the living room and stay with them.”

“Got it, boss.”

My brow arched at that. Nicco wasn’t the boss yet. But he sure sounded like the one in control. In fact, Uncle Toni wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

“Come on,” Nicco said, “let’s go inside.

Of course. We needed to meet, to figure out how to deal with the new threat.

“Hey, Uncle T okay?” I asked Matteo as we filed in behind our cousin and Tristan.

“He said something about heartburn. Think Genevieve is trying to find him an antacid. I’m relieved as fuck you’re back.” He slung his arm around my neck. “Just promise me it’s a permanent thing.”

“Aww, did you miss me?” I tapped his face, shirking out from under his arm. “Has your old man checked in?”

“Called Uncle Toni right before you got here. He’s okay. He’s working with our guys in the local PD. But we’re pretty sure after the shitshow at Darius’ place, that your little friend followed you back to Verona.”

Anger skittered down my spine. “Who the fuck is this asshole?”

He grabbed my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, together.”

I only hoped he was right…

Before anyone else got hurt.

We left the girls in the living room with Luis and headed for Uncle Toni’s office. He was already seated at the head of the table, but he looked a little green around the gills.

“You good, Uncle T?” Matt asked.

“Got this damn acid reflux.” He rubbed his chest vigorously. “Driving me up the wall.”

“A gallon of milk,” Tristan suggested. “Works for my mom every time.”

“Well, it ain’t working for me, son. Thanks for coming out here.”

“Of course, anything to help.”

I snorted at that.

“E,” Nicco warned and I dropped into a chair, fixing my eyes right on the outsider.

Tristan Capizola wasn’t one of us. Sure, he was Arianne’s cousin, but being blood related didn’t mean shit, my father was evidence of that.

“Enzo, knock it off,” Uncle Toni added. “Tristan is our guest, and we will treat him as such. Michele found a bunch of stuff at the warehouse.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“More photos, notes, a list of our businesses.”

“Fuck,” I hissed. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, but you’re not going to like it.”

“What?” Trepidation coursed through my veins.

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