Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,57


Fuck, she had felt good under me last night. Chasing away my demons in a way that only she could. I’d come so damn hard, I’d seen stars. Which was pretty ironic considering I’d made a promise to make her see stars.

I flinched as her bedroom door slammed. Nora didn’t want me here, that much was obvious, so I shoved another pancake in my mouth, drained my juice and set about collecting up my belongings.

Most of my weapons were still in her bedroom, so I slipped inside and grabbed them. I could hear the waterfall from the shower, and couldn’t help but picture her in there, naked, water kissing her smooth, olive skin. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to join her and lose myself for another half hour before life came crashing down around me again. But I liked my dick attached to my body and something told me if I even so much as tried to touch her, Nora would cut it right off.

The thought made me smirk. My Gattina could be a little firecracker when she wanted to be.

Get a grip, asshole, she isn’t yours.

With one last look at the bathroom door, I hightailed it out of there, running straight into Maurice in the hall.

“Mr. Marchetti,” he said in greeting.

“Do not leave her side,” I ordered.

“The boss gave me strict orders to stay on her at all times.”

Fuck. I didn’t like the idea of her going to classes while this fucker was out there, taunting us. But I couldn’t exactly tell her that, not before talking to Uncle Toni. And I’d seen nothing so far to suggest Nora was in harm’s way. But being associated with the Family had been enough for him to go after Morello’s store and DiMarco’s bar.

“Change of plan,” I said, making a snap decision. “She doesn’t leave the apartment. Not until you hear from me.”

“Miss Abato won’t like that.”

“She doesn’t have to like it.”

“What should I tell her?”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” I clapped him on the shoulder before taking off down the hall. I needed some fresh air and a smoke.

I’d hadn’t even reached the front door when my cell started ringing.


“Where are you?” Nicco asked.

“Just leaving La Stella, why?”

“Darius got hit.”

“Darius? Motherfucker.” Darius was good people. A pawnbroker operating right out of Marchetti territory in La Riva, he cleaned money through his books for us occasionally. “What’s the damage?”

“It’s a mess.” Nicco let out a low whistle.

“He’s in Verona.”


“Which means no one’s safe.” I was already doubling back around. “I’ll bring Nora to your old man’s house.”

“We’re already on our way.”

I hung up, jogging up the stairs to Nora’s apartment. Maurice was whispering into his earpiece. He gave me a terse nod as I walked straight inside.

“Enzo?” Nora was towel drying her hair as she forked a piece of pancake into her mouth. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“You need to come with me.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” She scowled. “I’m not going anywhere with you, I have classes.”

“Change of plans, Gattina. It isn’t safe for you to be here right now.”

“Safe? What the hell, Enzo? You weren’t complaining last night when you were fucking me into—” She slammed her lips together and stared me down.

I arched a brow, fighting a smile. I loved this side of her… fucking loved her sass and smart mouth. But it wasn’t a social visit, and we didn’t have time to stand here and argue.

“Pack a bag. I don’t know how long you’ll be gone.”

Her angry expression melted away. “It’s really that serious?”

“We’re not sure yet.” I ran a hand down my face, letting out a heavy sigh. “But until we figure out how serious the threat is, I need you safe, okay?”

“Okay.” She nodded, disappearing down the hall.

I stared after her. That had gone easier than I expected. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

“Yeah?” I called, assuming it was Maurice, but when he opened the door, I didn’t expect to see Luca standing there as well.

“You,” he said.

“Now’s not a good time.”

“I’m sorry, do you live here now?” He arched a brow. “I was hoping to talk to Nora.”

“She’s just—”

“It’s fine, Enzo. I’ve got this.” She dropped her bag at my feet and went to Luca pulling him into the hall.

Maurice shot me a bemused look right before he closed the door, and I flipped him off.

Silence echoed around Nora’s apartment as she was out there in the hall, talking to him. Jealousy burned through my veins. I didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024