Verek (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina #3) - Lane Hart Page 0,67

he says.


“What’s your problem?” Cannon asks. “I thought you loved that place.”

“I did,” I agree. “I do.”

How the fuck am I supposed to tell them that I’m not entirely sure I can be in that environment and not have the urge to fuck another woman? I didn’t while I was working there the two months while Tessa was in the treatment facility, or the six months I was in Florida, but who knows if I can actually be loyal forever. If Tessa was there, if she came with me to Fluid, I wouldn’t have that concern. But she doesn’t want to step foot in the place again.

“Then I don’t see why you can’t just go by for a few hours every night to make sure things are running smoothly until Roman gets back, starting tonight,” Winston says. Without waiting for my agreement, he slams the gavel again, the power definitely going to his head. “It’s decided. Any other business?”

“Ah, just one small thing,” Conrad speaks up and says, so much quieter than his brother. “Chief Bailey came by the dealership the other day. He needs a favor.”

“From us?” Winston asks.


“Why the fuck does he think we’ll do him a favor?” Winston grumbles.

“He sounded pretty desperate. Something about trouble with his daughter.”

“His daughter? What’s that got to do with us?” Winston asks.

“I think he wants us to go pick her up from her college and bring her home.”

“Why can’t he do it?” Cannon asks.

“Guess he’s tried, and she won’t leave with him.”

“He wants us to go and take his daughter by force,” I say in understanding. “No fucking thank you. I won’t be any part of some kidnapping plan, even for the police chief.”

“Verek’s right. We don’t kidnap women,” Winston says.

“Maybe we could persuade her,” Conrad says. “Think of all the leverage it would give us over the chief if we do this.”

“Fine. You can go if you want, but I won’t send anyone else who doesn’t want to go,” Winston tells him.

“Okay, I’ll go,” Conrad agrees.

“Ha! Good luck,” Winston tells him before slamming the gavel down and declaring, “Meeting fucking adjourned.”

As soon as I push my chair back and stand up, I’m shoving my arms through my cut, glad to have the weight of the leather back.

“You coming with me?” Conrad asks his twin.

“Hell no. That’s all on you, bro,” Cannon chuckles before turning to me. “So how are things going with your girl?” he asks before I escape the chapel with everyone else.

“Good, I guess,” I reply with a sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck is going on between us.”

“She still seeing the fiancé?”

“Yep. But then she sees me at night.”

“Sees you as in your birthday suit?” he asks with a grin.

“Something like that.”

“She messing around with the fiancé too?”

“No, I don’t think so. As far as the prospects have seen while shadowing them, she hasn’t touched him, not even once.”

“Then you don’t have anything to worry about, right?” Cannon says cheerfully with a pat on my back.

“Who knows. For the short term, probably not, but what happens down the road?” I ask.

“What do you want to happen down the road?”

“I don’t know. It’s just, I never thought about a long-term relationship before. All I’m certain of is that I don’t want to hurt her. She’s been through enough pain for one lifetime.”

“Then don’t hurt her,” Cannon says simply.

“I already have once, the night we met,” I remark, hating myself for going home with someone else when I should’ve gone after Tessa.

“Then don’t do it again.”

“Not sure it’s that easy. I’ve lived a fucked-up life, growing up with a perpetual bachelor for a father and no mother,” I explain. “I’ve never seen a healthy relationship before Roman and Charlotte’s, and Winston and Zoe’s. But Roman stalked Charlotte and watched out for her for years, so he was already in it for the long haul before she met him. And with Winston, well, he was a grumpy bastard who wanted his stepsister for fifteen years before they got together. Me on the other hand, I’ve been with so many women I lost count and have never once had a girlfriend. I’ve never even taken a woman out on a fucking date before! So how can I be good for Tessa as a boyfriend or husband when I have no clue what I’m doing? She deserves dates and romance and love.”

“Being with Tessa could definitely be a challenge,” Cannon agrees as he strokes his stubbly chin. “Especially now that Copyright 2016 - 2024