Verek (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina #3) - Lane Hart Page 0,68

your dick has apparently turned into a vagina. Not sure if she’s into girl-on-girl action. You should probably ask her before things go any further.”

“Fuck you,” I tell him as I flash him my middle finger.

“Dude, seriously, I think you’re overthinking this like a chick would be doing instead of just going with the flow.”

“That’s your advice? Wait it out? Go with the flow?” I huff in annoyance.


“I don’t even know why I’m talking to you about this. You’re worse than me when it comes to one-night stands!”

“This is true,” Cannon agrees with a chuckle. “But look at that! You’re already figuring out the do’s and don’ts of dating! Don’t ask another playboy for advice on not being a playboy.”

Shaking my head, I leave his happy ass standing there and walk off to try and find something to distract me until Tessa gets home from her date with Paul.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


* * *

The fifties show was fun, and I didn’t even have any panicky thoughts about being in another crowded room with strangers. When the lights dimmed, I got a little nervous, but then the singing started, and I relaxed. The chicken dinner was decent too, and I would’ve loved to have seconds of the chocolate mousse pie.

These dates with Paul have been good for me. Just not as good as the nights with Verek.

I’m not sure how many times I replayed having his mouth on me throughout the day, but it was impossible not to think about it.

My mind has gone into the gutter yet again when Paul says, “So does that sound okay with you?”

“What’s that?” I ask since I missed whatever he suggested as we stepped out of the elevator on the second floor with the two prospects, my heels too painful for us to take the stairs.

“The beach tomorrow? It’s going to be sunny, and by lunchtime the temperature will be in the sixties.”

“Sure, it sounds like it’s going to be a beautiful winter day. I’ll see if Verek wants to come too,” I say before I even consider how rude it is to invite the other man I’m seeing. Really the only man I’m seeing.

“Oh, ah, okay,” Paul mutters. “You want Verek to join us?”

“Well, it’s a public beach, and the prospects will be there with us,” I remark rather than backpedal and uninvite Verek. By now, after three dates, Paul has to know that the way I feel about him is nothing more than friendship. We may have had a connection once before, but it’s gone for good.

“Sure, right,” he says rather than demand that I not bring Verek along. “So, um, did I mention that I saw Bev a few weeks back?”

“Oh, no you didn’t,” I say. “How is she?” I’ve tried to keep in touch with my friends and coworkers from home, but I know they’re busy, and I haven’t really had anything to talk about.

“She’s good,” Paul says. “She said they really miss you in the office.”

“That’s sweet,” I say.

“Have you thought about going back to the law office?”

“You mean moving back to Raleigh?”

“Well, yeah. It’s been your home since you were born. I’m sure your parents and friends would love to have you back, and I know I would.”

“I just got settled into my apartment here,” I say, gesturing to the door I’m in a hurry to go through. I saw Verek’s bike down in the parking lot, and I know he’s waiting for me.

“I thought staying here was just temporary, though,” Paul remarks. “You don’t have any plans to come home?”

“My home is here now,” I explain. “Maybe someday in the future I might want to move back, just not right now.”

“Okay,” he says. “No harm in asking.”

No harm? Seriously? Doesn’t he know that whenever I think about my hometown, my parents, my friends, my workplace, that it’s all a sad reminder of the old me, the one that was happy and didn’t have a care in the world other than planning the perfect wedding?

“Right, well, it’s getting late, so I’m going on inside. See you tomorrow,” I say in a rush before I unlock the apartment. I hurry in so fast that I almost run smack-dab into Verek’s chest. “Oh! Hi!” I say with a laugh.

“Hey,” he says, sending his usual peppermint gum scent my way because we’re only inches away from each other. “How was your dinner and a show?”

“Great,” I reply. “The dessert was probably the best part.”

“That right?” he asks.

“Yep. So, um, were you heading out?” Copyright 2016 - 2024