A Vampire for Christmas - By Michele Hauf Page 0,103

the middle of the squad room. The last vampire that had happened to hadn’t fared well at the hands of their jokester coworkers. Eagan smiled at the memory but hurried his steps all the same.


The question was accompanied by a tug on Della’s sleeve. She dragged her eyes back from staring at the door to look around the diner. From the exasperation underlying Lupe’s question and the concerned looks on several other faces, it was clear Della’s mind had wandered afar long enough to worry her friends.

“No, nothing’s wrong. I was just considering where I want to put the rest of the Christmas decorations.”

To give some truth to her claim, she looked up toward the ceiling. “Even with the ladder, I’m not tall enough to hang the lights up around there.”

“I’m taller. Maybe I could do it.”

That offer came from Harry, but she was already shaking her head. He might have another whole inch over her in height, but there was no way she was going to let him up on a ladder. Not at his age. Before she could come up with a better solution, the sleigh bells over the doorway chimed.

She drew a breath, ready to greet her new customer, but then let it all out on a sigh when she recognized the new arrival. Eagan was back.

She’d been distracted all day, hoping he’d show up.

Somehow she’d suspected that if Eagan did return, he’d do so after dark. He’d looked too at home in the shadows across the street for it to be anything other than second nature for him.

He frowned and looked around the diner, making her aware that she wasn’t the only one staring. “Hi, take a seat and I’ll bring you a menu.”

At least he didn’t argue. He immediately parked himself at the same table as he’d chosen last night. Considering there were half a dozen others available, it confirmed her earlier impression that it was a deliberate choice on his part. Why? Because it was familiar since he’d sat there the previous night or because of the view it offered of the diner as well as the street outside?

Ignoring Lupe’s disapproving glare, she grabbed the coffeepot and a menu before heading over to Eagan’s table. She normally had a steady hand when carrying hot liquids, but right now her pulse was racing hard enough to send ripples sloshing through the carafe. What a stupid reaction. It wasn’t as if she didn’t get handsome men in the diner on a regular basis, especially during the lunch crowd when men from the local high-rise office buildings came in.

There was just something different about Eagan.


He nodded and pushed the empty cup closer to the edge of the table. “Thanks.”

At least he didn’t wave off the menu this time, even if he did just toss it down on the table. “I’ll check back with you in a few minutes.”

Della took her time, making her rounds with the coffee and stopping to talk to a few friends before finally making her way back to Eagan. The menu was still right where he’d left it on the table. While she wasn’t surprised, the real question was why.

Maybe the best way to find out was to come at the problem from a different angle. She dropped her voice, hoping to keep the conversation private.

“Eagan, would you mind if I asked a favor?”

He looked up from his coffee, his eyebrows riding low over his eyes in clear suspicion.

“You can ask.”

Which translated that he wouldn’t necessarily agree to it. Fine, she got that.

“I made the mistake of mentioning I wanted to string Christmas lights all around the room along the ceiling. It’s been done before, so the hooks are all up there. The problem is that I can’t reach the hooks myself, and Harry wants to put them up for me.”

Eagan glanced in Harry’s direction. “And?”

“I was thinking if you did it for me in exchange for dinner and dessert, Harry wouldn’t get his feelings hurt.”

“Or his hip broken from falling off the ladder?”

She smiled big-time. “Exactly. So do we have a deal?”

He nodded. “I already ate, but some of your pie would taste good. Let’s do the lights first.”

“When you’re done, let me know whether you like blueberry or chocolate cream pie better.”

The corners of his eyes crinkled even though the smile didn’t reach that stern mouth. “Maybe if I do a really good job, I could have a little of both.”

When he stood up, he staggered a bit as

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