A Vampire for Christmas - By Michele Hauf Page 0,102

been reported missing.”

His boss looked incredulous. “They outran you even with a human slowing them down?”

“Not exactly, but there was no indication the human was under any duress.” He mentally crossed his fingers the lieutenant wouldn’t ask any more questions.

Hughes leaned back in his chair. “You were supposed to be taking it easy for a few more days until that fractured leg heals. However, I’m not your nursemaid. If you’re going to patrol anyway, I’ll put you back on active duty, but take it easy.”

Okay, Hughes was being a little too nice.

Eagan stretched his legs out, trying to ease the bone-deep ache in the right one. “What’s happened now?”

“Another parent called in saying that some vampire wannabes were hassling her son, offering him money for blood. She thinks they’re involved in some kind of cult or street gang.” He shoved a file across the desk. “Here are the details.”

Eagan skimmed the report. “I take it that you’re not buying the whole wannabe part. You think these are the real thing out looking for trouble.”

His boss frowned. “Seriously, I don’t know, but that would explain what happened to the other victims. Either way, we need to find out. I’ve marked all the complaints on this map.”

Hughes held out the paper. “You can keep this copy.”

Eagan leaned forward to take it. One glance had him wanting to swear. “Damn it, they’re all in the same area where I saw those kids tonight. I’ll check it out again.”

His boss pinched his nose as if fighting a headache. “Do that. My only concern is that if you hang around too much without a good reason for being there, they’ll move their operation somewhere else in the city. Then we’ll be back at square one. Any suggestions?”

The image of the diner flashed in Eagan’s mind. If Della thought he was really down on his luck, maybe she’d let him work off a few free meals. Inwardly, he cringed over the idea. He’d hate to abuse Della’s hospitality by lying to her even for a good cause, but he would. The safety of those kids had to come first.

“Yeah, there’s a diner right smack in the middle of that area. Maybe I can do some odd jobs for the owner. That would give me an in with the locals and give me an excuse to be in the area for hours at a time.”

For the first time his boss’s expression lightened up. “What about the owner? Any chance he’s involved?”

Eagan’s job had taught him to expect the worst of most people, but his gut was telling him that Della was on the level. He shook his head.

“It’s run by a woman, and I’m betting she’s one of the good guys.”

Hughes’s eyes immediately narrowed in suspicion. “Tell me she’s old and ugly.”

Eagan grinned. “I would, boss, but I try not to lie to you any more than I absolutely have to. She’s pretty enough, but she’s also human. I steer clear of that kind of complication, especially on the job.”

At least up until now.

Hughes stared at the report for a few seconds but finally nodded. “Okay, let’s do it. Let me know how the diner thing works out. If you need a break, I can always send in one of the other guys to keep watch for a night.”

Yeah, like Eagan was going to let that bunch of horn dogs anywhere near Della. “I’ll be fine.”

“Good. Now go get some rest. Keep me posted.”

Eagan was up and heading for the door, happy to escape before Hughes remembered Eagan had disobeyed his orders to stay off the street in the first place. As soon as his hand landed on the doorknob, his boss called his name.

“One more thing, Eagan.”

He braced himself. “Yes, sir?”

“Next time I tell you to take some time off, do it or we’ll have issues.”

There were very few people strong enough to strike fear in a vampire with even just a hint of a threat, but Hughes had that ability in spades. No one was quite sure what category of supernatural he fell in. But whatever he was, the man carried some serious firepower.

“Yes, sir. It’s just that—”

Hughes cut him off. “Yeah, I know. It’s because it involves kids. I get that. I have the same problem. Now get out. One of us has work to do.”

Eagan walked out. The sun was rising in the east, meaning he needed to haul ass home and get horizontal before the day sleep claimed him right out in

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