Vampire Cabbie - By Fred Schepartz Page 0,99

when it gets really hot."

Nicole moved between my legs, taking what had been my mortal manhood in her mouth. The pleasure of her tongue caressing what was still sensitive skin distracted me from something I should have told her. After a bit, she stopped and looked up at me.

"Al, is there something wrong?" She held the limp organ, her expression most mournful.

I sat up and tenderly caressed her hair. "Nothing is wrong, my dear. I am sorry, I should have told you. That is the one thing I cannot do."

"You can't get it up?" She let the organ drop through her fingers.

"A reproductive organ in a creature that does not reproduce through sexual intercourse is as useful as a mortal's appendix. I hope you are not disappointed."

She moved her body upward, resting her head against my beating heart. "No. It's okay." Nicole faced me, a sweet smile on her face. "ThatI can get from any Biff, Chip, Dick or Harry, but this should be something special, something unique. I just worry that it might not be as good for you."

I laughed heartily at that. "Do not worry about that, my sweet. What I will experience far surpasses the vulgarity of a grunting, slavering male's ejaculation."

And then we resumed, our bodies merging as one through the touching of skin against skin, the exploration of fingers, lips and tongues, and when my fingers reached downward to her cleft of mystery, she was wet, her voice suddenly speaking like it was the wind urging me onward, telling me, "Yes, yes, yes."

I moved between her legs, exploring this mysterious land with my tongue, reveling in her scent, her taste, which was clean and salty-sweet, so very, very sweet, like the sweet taste of the sweetest of sweet, sweet blood.

Then, the time had just about arrived, and I removed my mouth from where it was, leaving my fingers in its stead, urging her forward to the inevitable conclusion, my lips kissing her soft neck, tongue licking her flesh, mouth opening, fangs finding their spot, pressing against the skin, lovingly caressing the spot where we would join.

She gasped loudly, her body shuddered, then fangs pierced flesh. Hot blood shot into my mouth. The room disappeared into blackness. Whiteness pulsated in the distance, pulsated like a beating heart, growing, moving closer, more and more quickly.

Growing, growing. Moving closer.


A mammoth chrysanthemum exploded from bud to fully bloomed white blossom with plump petals, this flower obscuring all sight, all sense, all everything before wilting and fading, something distant pulling it away, then replacing it with another pulsating speck of white light. A speck, a dot, a sphere, again moving closer, growing. And exploding, another white chrysanthemum, with such plump, juicy petals.

Again and again, for an indeterminable period of time, until finally the flowers began to get smaller, their explosions blossoming with less fury until they would bloom no more.

"Flowers," Nicole said, her breathy voice again like the wind.

"Yes, flowers." I kissed her softly on the lips, enveloping her in my arms. We lay intertwined together for a long time, silent, with no words needed, for our bodies had spoken, as had our souls.

Finally, Nicole's laughter broke the silence. "My boyfriend the vampire." More laughter. "I like the sound of that."
Chapter 14
TheVampireCabbieFalls In Love

Nearly a month had passed, a month of sheer bliss as spring truly arrived, with love blossoming just as the parade of flowers had gone from mere buds to full bloom. Flowers! It was a marvel to witness those amazing creatures as they grew fleshy appendages, stretching, reaching for life-giving sun. And there could have been no better way to observe the spectacle than from the vantage point of a moving taxi, all those blossoms clearly visible to my eyes, even in the thickest darkness.

First, the magnolias, their fat white blossoms tinged with pink, looking like overgrown tulips, then the cherries and crabapples, building canopies of white, pink and deep, dark purple.

And when the peonies dotted the city, round and fat, white and magenta, I knew one can never be too old or too damaged to fall in love again. Everywhere I drove, the fragrance of those flowers washed over me, and no matter where I was, what I was doing, her scent was with me, sometimes because it still stuck to my skin, other times because it was imprinted within the very core of my being. Even while driving cab with maximum effort, it took little to bring her scent to the forefront.

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