An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,63

her beautiful green eyes stayed him.

He gave her a lopsided grin. "The benefits of marriage are becoming more and more obvious," he quipped, unrepentant.

* * * *

Bree couldn't quite suppress a grin as his risqu茅 comment.

She took his offered hand and allowed him to lead her up to her room. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and kicked it closed behind as he enfolded her within his arms, continuing inexorably toward the bed. As they bumped against the bedrail, she glanced up at him, hesitant.

Malcolm gazed down at her, searching her face. She couldn't draw away from his hypnotic eyes as they seemed to take over her will. His head swooped down and captured her 202

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

lips. He crushed her soft breasts against his rock-hard chest.

The suddenness of his embrace shocked her, its intensity urging her arms up to slip around his neck. Passion burned from her very core. Except for their one memorable encounter on the train, his kisses had always been somewhat chaste, leaving her hungry for more, ashamed of her wantonness. His hands rubbed her back, lower and lower until they grasped her buttocks and drew her close. She felt his hardness throbbing against her belly. Bree was torn between knowing she should pull away before it was too late, and the intense desire to see what would happen next.

In a fluid movement, Malcolm turned and they fell together on the bed. Bree gasped in surprise as he rolled, pulling her full length on top of him.

His mouth hovered beneath her pleasantly bruised lips.

"Bree, my love. Waiting is killing me. Let me take you. Let me show you how I love you," he whispered hoarsely.

She nestled closer in answer, wriggling her knee between his thighs as she bent down and returned his kiss twofold. He moaned against her lips as his hands slid to her shoulders and pushed the robe away. It caught, and he slipped his hands between their bodies, fumbling with the tie. She held herself up with outstretched arms, hands on either side of his head.

The remnants of her gown were tossed away. She felt cool air on her backside, but her body was afire with a compelling, unknown need. He bent a knee and his thigh pressed against her exposed, sensitive mound, rubbing lightly.

Dusky moonlight illuminated the room. As his gleaming gaze roved over the planes and curves and shadowy nooks of 203

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

her body, heat rushed to her face. Even hotter was the juncture of her legs where his muscular thigh caused ripples of something she'd never felt before. His mouth closed over a breast, and she shivered as he gently suckled. His long, strong fingers gently squeezed and played with its mate.

Sighing, she arched her back in ecstasy. His other hand busily roamed down the deep indent of her spine, over her rounded buttocks and deeper.

He touched her core, first tentatively, gently, then stroking the lips of her femininity harder, teasing her with flicks of his fingers against the moist folds. Her head snapped forward and she gasped.

"Don't fear me, love. I will never hurt you. Let me," he whispered, his breath hot on the sensitive skin of her breast.

His tongue licked and played at the tight nipple and she felt she might swoon. Bree gripped his shoulders as a long, strong finger began to explore the depths of her womanhood, teasing and tantalizing, deeper. His tongue skated away from the hard tip of her breast, as he lapped kisses across her collarbone and up her neck. His mouth came to rest on hers, where the velvet softness of his tongue slipped past the seam of her mouth and set off a whole new wave of sensations. So many feelings surged through her body. Bree struggled to focus, but his hand was doing things, wonderful things, and his tongue continued to seek out the recesses of her mouth.

She could taste him, smell him, feel him, inside and all around her.

Unable to control her desire, Bree struggled to free the buttons of his shirt. As they pulled loose, she impatiently 204

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

brushed the fabric aside. Her fingers caressed the firm expanse of his chest, her nail grazing his nipple and sending a shiver through him. Down over the washboard hardness of his stomach her restless, curious hands trailed, following the line of fine hair to the waist of his trousers.

With another quick roll, she found herself on her back as Malcolm Copyright 2016 - 2024