An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,18

behind them.

She went to the wardrobe and pulled out a selection of gowns. Bree closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against carved wooden door and muttered, "Oh yes, I can, Mrs.

DuMont. I know exactly how much it means to you. If only I could have given mother those same few moments of happiness." She sighed and went to work, knowing it would 61

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

be late when she finished and she'd have little sleep before it was time to return to Mr. Thorpe's domain.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 5

Malcolm followed a few paces behind the older couple.

Eldon perfunctorily offered his arm to his wife and, staring straight ahead, strode down the corridor. Elizabeth glanced up at him repeatedly, like a puppy hoping for words of praise from its master, as she scurried to keep up.

He frowned. Something was wrong. Mother walked very awkwardly, as if there were pebbles or something in her shoe.

He knew from experience she wouldn't complain, especially to Eldon. He'd have to get her alone to find out what the matter was.

They proceeded down the hall and out onto the deck.

Malcolm watched as Eldon regally greeted select passengers along the way, cutting those he considered beneath his station. After they reentered the ship, they turned down the massive curved staircase and joined the jumble of elegantly dressed passengers in the reception room. While waiting their turn to enter the dining salon, Malcolm noted the flooring. It looked like marble, but he'd been told it was a new material, quite en vogue, called Linoleum, rumored to be much more expensive than imported stone. They moved to the head of the line and were ushered into the brightly lit room by the prim maitre d'. Malcolm recognized several faces scattered throughout the hundred-foot-long expanse.

Eldon steered Elizabeth over to the captain's table. The men stood, including the distinguished Captain Smith, who smiled broadly, gave a stiff bow and clicked the heels of his 63

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

highly polished shoes before he pulled out an empty chair on his right for Elizabeth. John Astor politely introduced Malcolm to the bearded and mustached captain, who wore his trademark long, black uniform with brass buttons, gold braided cuffs, and medals on his left breast.

Since the table was full with the addition of Eldon and his mother, Malcolm asked a passing waiter to arrange for a table to be set up nearby. The flustered waiter checked with the captain, who gave a brief nod. The maitre d' hovered as a crew brought in a small table and chair and efficiently set up the place setting.

Malcolm perused the captain's table. His mother was unusually pale, but she smiled happily. The male guests were drawn like bees to a rose by her regal beauty. All except one.

When Eldon caught Malcolm's gaze, his lip pulled up in a sneer and his narrowed eyes glinted malevolently. He turned to Elizabeth and put his arm around the back of her chair. The hair on the back of Malcolm's neck stood on end as he watched Eldon lean close to Elizabeth and say something. By all appearances, he was a loving husband whispering sweet nothings into his wife's ear, but almost instantly the happiness fled her face, replaced by a blank, stunned expression. She seemed to shrink into her chair. Eldon observed Malcolm's anger with a smug, self-satisfied smile.

Malcolm started out of his chair but a line of waiters cut in front of him and laid plates around the table, refilled beverages and took away salad plates. By the time they retreated, he heard his mother giving apologies for not feeling well and begging her husband's pardon. Malcolm immediately 64

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

stood and moved around to help her as she struggled out of her chair.

Eldon turned back to his audience and was into one of his

"amusing stories" before they were three feet from the table.

"Are you all right, Mother? Something is wrong. What happened?" he whispered.

"Oh, you know me. Just one of my 'spells' as Eldon calls them. I don't think I could manage dinner and conversation tonight. I'm sorry. You don't need to go back with me. I can find my way. Why don't you go on and find some of your friends? You don't need to fuss about your old mother. I'll just go on to bed. Bree will assist me."

"It's not one of your so-called spells, Mother. You're hurt, aren't you? What happened?" he repeated, unwilling to Copyright 2016 - 2024