An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,17

took off and left you without a maid, I'm glad to see you've found someone who can make you presentable. I dislike all the questions when you show up looking like death warmed over."

Elizabeth blushed and hung her head.

"I can't believe your wife could be anything but lovely, and with her injury, she wasn't able to dress by herself." Bree refused to keep silent. It was all she could do not to snap the words out.

Eldon shot her a penetrating glance then offered a smarmy smile. "Of course I didn't mean it like that. I've been very concerned since she became ill." He gave Elizabeth a long, warning stare. "Some days she can barely drag herself out of bed, and she's gotten rather clumsy as well. I'm happy to see her looking and feeling better. If you've had a hand, I must show you my appreciation in some way."

He hadn't commented on the injury. If he'd been unaware of it, surely he would have asked what happened and expressed some concern about her condition? Bree took a deep breath and bit back words she longed to say, murmuring instead, "There is no need. I am simply performing my duties, and as I said, enjoying it." She directed the last comment to Elizabeth. It seemed to raise the older woman's spirit and she lifted her head, smiling timidly.

"I'll be here when you return from dinner, ma'am. In the meantime, I'll go through your other dresses and see what I can do to fit them for you."

Elizabeth nodded distractedly, her attention centered on her husband's glowering face.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Someone knocked at the door. Eldon glared at the portal.

Elizabeth seemed frozen in place. Bree hesitated then moved across the room, calling over her shoulder, "I'll get that," as she reached for the latch. She turned to face the door and jerked back. A fist hung in the air in front of her face. She stumbled and would have fallen, but the man who was in the process of knocking on the door lunged forward and captured her in a firm, but gentle, grasp.

"Pardon me, Miss Barry. It seems like I have a penchant for attempting to knock you off your feet. Of course, what I'd really like is to sweep you off your feet."

Bree's jaw dropped as she observed the same handsome man who'd nearly collided with her in the companionway. It dawned on her—Elizabeth's son, Mal. Malcolm DuMont.

Elizabeth had never mentioned her last name. Bree studied his face, noting the slightly sardonic tilt of his eyebrows and hint of a smile. He was clearly a spoiled, rich rake, who thought pretty words would win over anything in a skirt. She closed her mouth with an audible snap. If he thought she would be his next conquest, he could just go to the devil.

Ignoring him, she turned to Elizabeth. "It appears you now have two escorts, ma'am."

"Malcolm, dear, I didn't expect to see you this evening."

Elizabeth's gaze flicked uncertainly from her son's smiling face to her husband's frowning one.

"I decided to have dinner with you after all. And now I see how absolutely lovely you look tonight, I don't believe Eldon deserves to have you all to himself."


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Elizabeth laughed gaily, but Bree saw Eldon's face darken as he directed a fierce glare at his stepson.

Malcolm moved to his mother's side and helped her into the fur coat. Over her shoulder he said, "And what about you, Miss Barry? Will you be joining us for dinner?"

Bree didn't hear any sign of sarcasm in his tone, but she knew, somehow, he was making her the butt of a joke. Surely he recognized her uniform? Then she remembered she wasn't wearing her cap or apron, only the plain dark dress.

Elizabeth gazed at her son in surprise as she slipped her hand into the fur muff. "Oh, yes. Of course." She turned to Bree and said kindly, "Would you like to join us, my dear?"

Of course the woman was trying to be polite and didn't expect to take her seamstress to dinner. Bree deliberately snubbed Malcolm and smiled at Elizabeth. "No, thank you, ma'am. I have a great deal to do tonight. I do hope you enjoy yourself."

Elizabeth pushed the muff high on one arm and took both Bree's hands in hers. "Thank you. You can't possibly know what this means to me."

Bree watched as Elizabeth, flanked by the two tall, muscular men, walked carefully into the hall. The door shut Copyright 2016 - 2024