Unmade (Unborn #4) - Amber Lynn Natusch Page 0,14


At that, he smiled. “There she is—my true daughter. You are so much like Eos.”

“Will you let Deimos’ brother kill me, too, just like your beloved Eos, or will you help me defeat him?”

“I cannot help you, but I know what it will take to bring him down.”

I cocked my head, awaiting an explanation. One that never came.

“You want something for this,” I said. He nodded in response. “Name it and be gone. I have matters to attend to.”

“Pressing ones, no doubt,” he mocked, looking to the sky for a swarm of black wings. Then his eyes fell back upon me, any hint of amusement in them wiped away. “In the interest of time, I’ll be blunt. I want you to replace your brother as the head of the Patronus Ceteri.”

“Why would you desire this? He has led them for as long as they have existed, from what I have been told.”

“He is weak. You are not. It’s as simple as that.”

“How would you suggest I do this, given that he is invincible? I could not kill him even if I wanted to.”

“No,” he replied with no lack of resentment in his tone, “you could not. But you could lock him away somewhere,” he said, his tone leading me gently toward the conclusion he wanted me to reach. “Like the Oudeis, perhaps? I’ve heard the Underworld has taken a shine to you—that it obeys you.”

“It did,” I replied flatly. “It no longer does.”

He quirked a brow, amused by something I did not understand. “I think you might find that it still does, Khara. Perhaps it does not only because you commanded it not to. I suspect that it would welcome you back with open arms, so to speak, should you wish to control it yet again, even if only for a moment—enough time to lock someone away for eternity…”

I schooled my features, as I so often had to in the Underworld, not allowing any hint of what I was thinking into my expression. My lack of reaction served two purposes: to reinforce Ares’ illusion as to who and what I was, and to hide the unease growing within me at the thought of doing what he had asked so I could learn how to eliminate the threat posed by Phobos. I would not be putting anyone in the Oudeis at his request—most certainly not my twin.

I would have to find another way.

“I will leave you to consider my offer,” he said, walking away toward the trees. “I’ll be in touch soon, Khara. And I must say, it was lovely to finally meet you after all these years…”

He disappeared into the fog that had rolled in, and without paying him further thought, I ran through the gates of the Underworld. I flew down the corridor that led to the Acheron, never stopping as I crossed it without even a hint of magic trying to stop me. Through the Great Hall and into the corridors leading to Hecate’s former domain, I continued undaunted. I had to get to my brothers before Kaine came.

As I approached, I found them heading toward me. One look at my frantic pace and their weapons were drawn.

“What is it?” Kierson asked, running toward me.

“We must go. I will explain on the way,” I said, landing in their path.

Without argument, we stormed back through the halls I had just traversed, headed for the Acheron. Aery stood in the Great Hall as we tore through, and she soon joined our party, headed for the unknown.

“Kaine and the Dark Ones will be coming here to find me soon,” I said, leading the pack. Casey growled at the warning. “I killed some of them with fire and stole Oz out from under their noses. My actions were not appreciated, and I do not wish for you to die fighting them over a mess I created all on my own.”

We arrived at the edge of the Acheron, and I turned to Aery. She nodded once before grabbing Kierson and escorting him to the other side. I took Drew and Casey over, then turned to get Pierson, but Aery waved me off.

“Go. I’ll get him, then return to warn Hades that unwelcome visitors are headed this way.”

Her words halted me for a moment as I pondered the implications my actions might have for my father and his wife.

“You’re not staying, Aery,” Kierson said, his words a half order, half desperate plea. His love for her was so plain.

“I’ll be fine. Now go.” Before

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