Unmade (Unborn #4) - Amber Lynn Natusch Page 0,13

veins, and my wings shot wide, as Oz’s always did when a threat was present. At that, the one before me laughed, the booming tenor echoing through the woods surrounding us.

“I see their lies have tainted you,” he said, taking a step closer. “Deimos was right—you are truly stunning.”

“Deimos must learn to hold his tongue,” I replied, my black wings twitching behind me. The one approaching looked at them with the same expression of wonder that my twin, Sean, had when he had first seen them.

“When Celia delivered your brother to me, I have to say, I was disappointed to see that he was not blessed with her markings.” He continued walking toward me, as though I would not slice his throat open if he came closer. “I could not figure out how that had come to pass, given that all my other sons had so strongly taken after their mothers. It took some time to figure out what had happened.” He stopped only feet away, his smile widening. “Celia always was so clever—one of the qualities that attracted me to her. I should not have underestimated her ability to trick me.”

Ice shot through my veins.

“Ares.” My expression soured as his name escaped. “Why are you here?”

“Not to kill you, if that is what you fear.”

“I fear nothing,” I replied.

His smile turned to a grin. “So I’ve been told.”

“I do not have time for this,” I said, circling past him.

“Because you must save your brothers from Kaine?” His question was meant to bait me and I knew it, but I could not walk away. How did he know about that? How did he know about so many things? I turned to look at him, that maddening grin still intact. “I fear you have a greater threat headed your way, Daughter. One that will not be so easily dealt with as Kaine.”

“Kaine will be easy?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest in a way that would have made Oz proud. I felt his absence like a wound in that moment. He would be livid when he learned I had faced my true father without him. “I may have been able to derail him temporarily, but the Dark Ones are formidable.”

“You would know a thing or two about them, wouldn’t you, Khara?” The amusement bled away from his countenance, leaving anger in its wake.

“Possibly three.” My flippant reply did nothing to improve the tension brewing between us. That thought made me smile.

“I sent Deimos to protect you, and this is how you thank me? By bedding those that would enslave you?”

“Deimos has never protected me,” I snapped, “and Oz may wish to do many things to me, but enslave is not one of them.”

“He is a Dark One—”

“He is a rogue and my ally, unlike you, Father.”

Rage flashed in his black eyes until he steadied himself, his calm façade returning.

“He cannot help against all who come for you.”

“Then he will die trying,” I replied, fighting against the empty feeling in my stomach as I spoke those words.

“He cannot stop Phobos…”

Every hair on the back of my neck stood up at the sound of his name, and I looked over my shoulder as though he had sneaked up behind me while Ares distracted me.

“He is your monster,” I said calmly. “Perhaps you should end him. He did kill your precious Eos, did he not?”

That rage emerged once more and stayed at the forefront, burning like a funeral pyre—like the one Eos’ body would have been reduced to ash upon.

“I would if I could, but that ability was stolen from me long ago. Now it is up to you, Khara.”

“I will not do it for you—”

“Of course you won’t,” he said, heading toward me. “You will do it for you—because he is a threat.” He stopped only inches away this time, once again admiring my wings. “I raised your twin to be ruthless—devoid of emotion—but in that regard, he has too much of his mother’s Light nature. But you…you, Khara, are something of wonder. All power and no soul to burden you, just like my Eos—”

“I have a soul,” I countered. “Deimos attempted to have it sucked from me to suit his twisted purposes.”

Ares’ eyes narrowed. “Or mine.” His admission had only begun to settle upon my mind when he continued. “He said he’d failed, but I see that isn’t the case.”

“I inhaled the soul of Artemis,” I said, my tone empty. “She angered me. Be careful you do not do the

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