Union Atlantic Page 0,27

menaced by the dark and the poor. But the public pool's not in your backyard, you say. It's nowhere close. True. But it's in my country. Am I not allowed a patriotism of ideals? Is that what we've come to?"

She paused to breathe.

"You see, then, what I mean?" she asked.

"I guess so."

"Not that you would agree with any of this, would you?" she said, leaning down to address the mastiff. "He's become such a reactionary lately. Haven't you, Sam? All your religious blather. Do you have dogs?"

"No. We used to have a rabbit."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Sorry, I - "

"No, no, I wasn't talking to you. Sam here's just a bigot. Thinks you're a Catholic. Rabbits you say. My grandfather was fond of shooting them. They'd pop up in the yard and he'd rest his gun on the sill right there and open fire. Drove my grandmother to distraction. You'd think they'd have come back in strength by now but I never see them. He, of course, was a mugwump. Have you covered the 1880s? Republican, of the very old stripe. Bolted the party in '84. Small-town lawyer, edited the Finden Gazette. Didn't like machine politics. Laissez-faire, of course, but it was another time. He railed against the trusts as much as the city bosses, and there he was prescient. You look at the World Trade Organization today and it's all rather familiar. The way those conglomerates are making up the rules so they can run roughshod over the locals. Nothing the railroads didn't do to the state legislatures," she concluded, examining a patch of the mastiff's back for ticks or lice.

"I'm afraid the bullies here need their walking," she said. "I'm sorry if I've run on a bit. But there's a lot to cover." She looked up at him then, meeting his eyes directly for the first time. "You will come back, won't you? Next week?"

These last many months the intuition of others' needs had become Nate's second nature, as if his father's going had cut him a pair of new, lidless eyes that couldn't help but see into a person such as this: marooned and specter-driven. What choice did he have?


AS SOON AS he got out of the house, he phoned Emily.

"Give us your location," she said. "We're in transit."

Fifteen minutes later, Jason's Jetta pulled up behind the Congregational Church in the center of town and Emily rolled down the passenger-side window.

"All right, the medevac's here."

In the backseat, Hal lay slumped against the far door with his eyes closed, a cigarette dangling from between his lips. A lanky, effete, mildly gothic boy, he prided himself on his superior intellect and perpetual indolence. To the alarm of his parents, he'd clicked through on some Internet ad and got himself admitted to a university in Tunis. From there he planned to spend the fall traveling the Maghrib.

"The Valp's holding," Jason said, speeding onto a side street. "But if we don't get there soon he'll smoke it all himself." They avoided the streets still heavy with commuter traffic until they had crossed all the way to the other side of Finden and pulled up in front of a white stucco house with three Japanese maples in the front yard surrounding a giant vertical boulder that looked as if it had been airlifted out of Stonehenge.

"What's with the rock?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. His mother's got a witch thing going on," Jason said, stepping out of the car. "She runs some kind of regional coven."

"I hung out with this Valp guy once," Emily said. "All he talked about was North Korea. Those rallies they have with the colored cards, you know? Like at the Olympics, where everyone in the crowd holds one up to make an image. Apparently they're very good at it over there."

She sounded bored, as usual, wearied by this petty world of high school. Emily had lived in London with her parents sophomore year and returned with a coolness unimpeachable by anyone except the three of them, who mocked her attempts to exempt herself from the indignities of Finden High.

Up on the lawn, from beside the obelisk, Jason was waving for them to come inside. "Christ, can't he just score the shit and get out of there?" Emily grumbled, leading the other two up the driveway.

Arthur Valparaiso had a slightly intimidating presence at two hundred and twenty pounds with a shaved head and clad this evening in an orange judo outfit. They had apparently interrupted some kind of deep-focus session, in

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