Unholy Intent (Unholy Union Duet #2) - Knight, Natasha Page 0,56

door, and a second later, there’s a knock.

“Damian,” it’s Tobias.

Damian releases me. I close my robe as he checks his watch, then opens the door.

Tobias glances at me, then at Damian. “We have a location.”

“Give me two minutes.”

Tobias nods, and he’s gone, closing the door behind him.

Damian turns back to me. “We’ll continue this when I’m back.”

“No. I’m done. We’re done. There’s nothing to continue.”

“If you want to sleep in here tonight, that’s fine.” He continues as if I haven’t spoken at all. “But when I get back, you and I will talk. Come tomorrow, you’re in my bed every night. Period.” He walks to the door, hand on the doorknob.

“You demand everything of me and give me nothing.”

He pauses, and I hear him exhale, but then he opens the door.

“At least tell me one thing, Damian. Just one.”

He turns around and raises an eyebrow, hand still on the doorknob

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Be more specific.”

“You never told me that. What is it that I need to give you for you to let me go? Because if your brother is telling the truth, if it’s truly the foundation, then there’s only one way you can get it and let me go at the same time. And I don’t want to believe you’re monster enough to do that.”

He stares back at me and his entire body tenses before my eyes. It’s a bigger reaction than I expect.

That fist in my chest tightens its grip on my heart, squeezing the life out of it.

This betrayal hurts. Hurts like nothing else.

Damian closes the door.

“My brother is a liar, Cristina,” he says more calmly than I expect, given his physical reaction. “He’s manipulating you to get to me. He will do anything to destroy me.”


“It’s complicated.”

“That’s your answer for every question you don’t want to answer.”


“Just explain it to me. I can follow. Please.”

He considers, steps toward me, then stops. I know he’s made his decision when I hear his sigh.

“Because he was supposed to have what I have. He was the firstborn son technically, or at least my father chose him because he was bigger than me at birth. It’d be something for him to do. I don’t know. I’m not even sure I was the backup plan. An unwelcome surprise maybe when they realized my mom was pregnant with twins. I think my father hated us both, truth be told. I think my father is only capable of hate. He thought us weak from day one. Holding each other’s hands rather than having them around each other’s throats.

“Anyhow, he chose Lucas, but Lucas—he wasn’t always like this. When we were growing up, he was the gentle one.”

I find that hard to believe; not that I’d ever accuse Damian of being gentle.

“And to teach Lucas to be the man he needed him to be, a man like my father is, he made it his habit to hurt me while Lucas watched. It’s more effective that way. Did you know that? To hurt the thing the one you really want to hurt loves.”


They’ll hurt you to get to me.

“Until Lucas finally started doing it himself, that is. Until he learned. Do you know I had to comfort him afterward?” He shakes his head.

“At least when it was my brother doing the beating, I guess you could say he took it easier on me or tried to, and I know he felt terrible. I know it chipped away at him. I think he started to hate himself before I realized what was happening to him.”

He takes a break, pushes his hand into his hair, and in his eyes, I see he’s miles away. Back in the past maybe. After a long moment, his eyes refocus on mine.

“For every misstep any of my siblings made, guess who took the punishment? And thing is, Lucas was the creative one. He was the one who got me into the woodworking. He was the softer of us. Always. He wasn’t ever cut out to be the man my father wanted and expected him to be. Never had it in him. Hell, I far surpass him in that area. I’d have made my father proud and I hate myself for that.

“But something was happening all those years that I didn’t see. Lucas’s resentment of me grew at the same pace as his self-hatred. The accident, the fact that I was driving, what happened to him, Lucas blames me. Thinks it was my revenge for what he did to me

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