UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,73

bitches are ace.”

I chuckle thinking about the two that I regularly visited, two women that I haven’t gone to even once since I’ve been here. Coyote still can’t find Leighton and honest to fuck, I don’t know if he’s lying to me or telling me the truth.

As much as it would piss me the fuck off if he has been lying to me over the past month, I can’t help but hope that he is. Because if she’s been gone for this long, vanished in the wind, there is no goddamn hope of finding her at this point.

“They are,” I murmur.

“But you don’t go.”

His words aren’t a question, more like a statement. I don’t go, but it’s not because I don’t want to get laid. I do. It’s because my stupid cock fucked it all up for me the first time with Leighton and I plan on getting her back, when I do, I want to be able to tell her the truth. That there hasn’t been anyone since Black’s bitch, a fuck that I greatly regret.

I haven’t had many regrets in this life. I usually live with the philosophy that everything happens for a reason. What’s meant to be is fucking meant to be. Except Black’s Old Lady, I regret everything about her.

“I don’t. Got a woman waiting for me at home,” I lie.

Thankfully, Worm doesn’t call me on the lie. Instead, we focus back on the judge in front of us. He’s purchased three girls, all under the age of sixteen, all of which have never been seen again. Honest to fuck, Worm couldn’t find them. Unfortunately, I think that they’ve already been disposed of.

I can see why Gavino wanted these fuckers taken care of, and it just so happens that he can maybe work with the representatives that are in his pocket on their replacements. I don’t really question the motives, I don’t care.

This is a job, one I’m being paid handsomely for, but also, I’m doing the world a service. I could tout about being a hero, but I’m still committing murder, even if it is to rid the world of such a sick motherfucker.

However, I’ll still feel a sense of pride when they’re all dead and I watch their blood seep from their bodies, when I witness their final breaths, and close my eyes as their souls descend to Hell.

This is my second job. The first, I ended him, stabbing him in the chest and watching as the life drained from him. It was sweet justice, especially since I found one of the girls in his basement. Locked away in a cage, like an animal.

Something ugly slithered through me. Something peaceful and for the first time, I enjoyed the kill. I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t ever. Killing should be a necessary evil, something that I have to do because I have no other choice. Our club isn’t on the up in up, but we’re not fucking psychos either.

“You take this one,” I whisper to Worm.

He grunts, his rifle already trained on the target. It’s the park, the middle of the day, his little dog running around while the judge is on the phone. He’s huffing and puffing, his overweight body barely able to walk beside the little yapping beast.

“Get it done. Drug deal gone bad. Couple guys are ransacking his place right now, looking for the girls and planting product and paraphernalia.”

“You know?” Worm asks as he trains his weapon on the judge. “I would really hate to piss any of you off. You guys are fucking good.”

“Damn straight. Don’t fuck us over, boy. You’ll regret it for as long as you’re left breathing.”

“I’m seeing that,” he snorts.

At that exact moment, I watch as the judge falls to his death, a bit of blood seeping on the sidewalk beneath him. His little dog yaps and tugs on his leash. With my head tipped down, I walk past him then look at his face and growl. Then, I use my shoe and tug the leash free. The little dog takes off in a full sprint. I snort at the sight. Definitely not man’s best friend in this case.

Worm and I leave the scene, never looking back, never caring. My phone rings before we even reach our waiting car several miles away.

Three girls found alive. One dead.

I curse as I shake my head, thinking about the poor girl that died. Thankfully, three will get some help and hopefully go back to wherever they came from, maybe to

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