UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,68

virgin. I do not sell the girl off to be some man’s slave.”

I hum, leaning forward on my elbows. I wish that I knew if this was the truth. However, he did make it clear when we called him for help that he would not supply women to just succumb to their deaths. But that doesn’t stop the fact that he trades women like cattle back and forth to and from Ireland.

“I’m not sure what to trust with you, and normally I couldn’t give a fuck less, but this, all of this is dirty as shit.”

“You’re smart not to trust me just because we have dealings together. However, on this, I am not going to budge. You will do this for me, the terms are the only part of this that is negotiable.”

“Seems you think you have me backed into a corner,” I grunt.

Gavino shrugs, he is obviously unbothered by my observation. I know that I’m probably right, he thinks that he has me backed into a corner and that I’ll agree to whatever he wants. What he doesn’t know is that I don’t do well being caged, never have, never will.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Walking out to Eagle, I jerk my chin at him before making my way outside. I pace next to the metal building, surprised that you can’t hear fuckall that’s going on inside. I’m glad for it, because I do not want Gavino to hear this, not at all.

“What the fuck has you acting like a caged cat?” Eagle asks.

I laugh, his observation completely fucking on point. “He wants our help, terms are negotiable, the job is not,” I begin to explain.

“The job is not,” he murmurs. “As if we’re his men, his employees.”

“Yeah, I’m rubbed the wrong fucking way, to say the least,” I grunt.

The issue is, I can’t call Dragon, not right now. Gavino is right, this isn’t something that can be said over the phone. Which means terms cannot be met over the phone either. He’s asking a hell of a lot from us right now, and I, for one, don’t like it.

“We don’t have much of a choice, do we?”

I shake my head once. “Morally, no. I can’t turn tail and walk away with him knowing men who are hurting kids like that and wanting them gone.”

“Why now?”

I shrug a shoulder, then open my mouth, but Gavino starts to speak, walking out of the door beside us.

“Now, because I finally have men who will do it. I could send my own, but I have been busy with the famiglia, with my own takeovers and issues. This isn’t something that we can go in, take care of, and disappear as easily as you. I’ve been keeping an eye on your dealings, the way you’ve done business, and I like it.”

“You have hitmen, do you not?” I ask.

He nods his head. “I do. But my most trusted are in Ireland right now. I need this done before they come back, before anyone else is harmed.”

“Why the urgency, honestly, why now?”

“No bullshit?” he asks.

Jerking my chin, I keep my gaze on his and wait for him to tell me his no-bullshit answer. “There are too many. They are too big, almost untouchable.”


“Until I realized that their reach was just a little too far. They need to go. Doing some research, looking into them, it was too much to bear. Too much to really take in. No matter how far they reach, no matter how deep it goes. They need to suffer for what they’ve done and I cannot simply supply the manpower to wash them out, not with all the other shit my men are doing. They’re up to their ears in work and I’m up to mine in trying to build this empire.”

I nod my head a couple of times, listening to his excuses, and finding that they’re still bullshit.

“Not good enough.”

His lips press together in a straight line and he levels me with his gaze. “I have a daughter,” he spits. “I have a beautiful wife and I have a daughter. Every time I dig into these sick fucks, I see their faces. They want to hire whores for a good time, they want to enjoy a virgin for the right price, I don’t have an issue with that. My girls work and get paid, they are free to come and go as they please. That is not what this is. This is an archaic part of the underworld that I want gone.”

“Now, we’re getting somewhere,”

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