UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,67

that it won’t be a drop and go situation. This is most likely why Dragon insisted I come here and do this run myself.

The door slowly opens as I guide the truck backward into the empty warehouse. When it’s completely inside, it shuts and only then do I jump out of the truck. I watch as Gavino makes his way inside through the door at the side of the building.

“Mountain,” he greets, holding out his hand.

Jerking my chin up, I take his outstretched palm and shake it. “Santoro,” I grunt.

“We need to talk, friend.”


The word means so much and yet it means nothing all at the same time. “What’s this about?” I ask.

He shrugs a shoulder, then jerks his chin toward a small office in the corner. This place is fashioned much like the warehouse at the clubhouse, and his office is much like my own. Following behind him, I leave Eagle and a few of Gavino’s men to unload the truck.

Slipping into the office, I walk over to the sofa against the wall and sink down with a groan. I know that I’ve been sitting on my ass all day, but driving and relaxing on a couch are two totally different kinds of sitting.

“What’s this about?” I demand.

He tilts his head to the side, bringing his hands up and touching them in a steepled position with his elbows on the table. His eyes focus on mine, he watches me for a moment, then lets out a grunt.

“The work you’ve been doing, the vigilante work…”

I hold up my hand to stop him, knowing that he’s going to tell us that we need to stop and I agree. It has to stop somewhere, we can’t go on forever like this. Except, he doesn’t stop. Instead, he just continues to speak.

“I like it. I like it a lot. I have a proposition for your club. One that I wasn’t willing to compromise by talking over the phone to Dragon.”

“What do you want?” I ask, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. I have a place to go, a woman to find, and a life to get started.

He chuckles, leaning back in his chair, his eyes on mine, never leaving. “I want your club to continue their vigilante work. I also want you to flush out some people here in the city.”


His lips curl into an evil as fuck grin. “I have it on authority that some very high people are into very evil things. I want them gone. I have replacements for their positions, replacements that will benefit me, and in return, benefit your club as well.”

“I’m going to need more than just your word that it’s going to benefit the Beasts,” I grunt, leaning back as well.

Gavino nods then stands to his feet. I watch as he makes his way over to the window and focuses out at the men unloading his product. He puts his hands behind his back, clasping them together as he watches.

Then, as if he’s finally gathered whatever thoughts he needed, he turns his head and looks at me from over his shoulder.

“Money then?” he asks.

I shrug a shoulder. “Makes the world go round,” I murmur.

“Women?” he asks.

Shaking my head, I lift my hand and wrap my fingers around the back of my neck, squeezing to release tension. “Got one of my own, now.”

“Ah,” he sighs. “Miss Leighton Eloise Richardson,” he practically purrs.

My spine straightens and I shake my head. “How the fuck did you know her name? How the fuck did you know she was mine?” I growl.

His lips twitch. “Is she, yours though? You have yet to brand her,” he states.

The fuck is right. I haven’t officially claimed her, but I’m going to once I find her. I’m not going to fuck around, not anymore.

She’s mine.

Only mine.

“She’s mine,” I grind out.

Gavino walks around his desk, leaning his ass against the front as he grabs ahold of the edges of the wood.

“I have known of her. Her father was an associate, not that I dealt with him, I did not. However, he had connections and often purchased from me, since I have the best products and I am the best.”

“Women?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Never. I don’t sell my women like that. They are worth too much to me to just piss away. And honestly, whores or not, they are people and how he treats them, it’s nothing short of animalistic.”

“Even your virgins?”

Gavino shrugs a shoulder. “I sell the experience of having a

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