Tyrant Twins - Isabella Starling Page 0,42

like grains of sand.

I don't get the chance to dwell on my emotions any longer because the person at the front door isn't the pizza delivery guy after all. It's Parker, and he looks pissed as fuck.

He advances and backs me up against the wall. My back slams against the brick, and my twin is in my face, screaming at me.

“You fucker,” my brother murmurs against my ear as I find myself on the floor with Parker holding my throat. “You stupid fucker.”



June's mini-me won't leave me the fuck alone.

Dove, the girl we went out to Pulse with, has been texting me incessantly. I've found out more about her since that night—like that she's a socialite with stupidly rich parents who don't give a shit that she's only nineteen and hanging out in clubs downtown every night.

Dove's obsessed with June Wildfox. She has the same hair, same clothes, and even wears the same signature shade of lipstick—Angel Pink. I've stolen a few tubes of it from my stepsister's closet, so I should know. Dove also won't stop texting, calling, and trying to get in touch with me. The girl's like a fucking STD. But one night, she rings my cell so many times, I finally pick up, not caring about offending her.

"Listen here, you little bitch," I hiss into my phone. "I don't know what possessed my little sis to give you this number, but—"

"Parker!" She sounds so delighted I groan. "You finally picked up!"

"Yeah, I did," I bite out. "To tell you to leave me the fuck alone. You're blowing up my phone. Would you just fucking give up already?"

"Give up?" She giggles. "I'm not giving up on us, Parker. I like you. Like, really like you."

"You don't fucking say," I groan. "Seriously, Dove, you need to get a grip. I'm not fucking interested."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes," I hiss just as the doorbell to our apartment rings. Weird. Someone's already at the door? Usually I have to buzz them through. "Ugh, give me a minute."

"Of course," she replies in a sugary sweet voice. I pick myself up from the couch and head to the door. I open it, and my jaw nearly falls to the floor when I see Dove on the doorstep, grinning like a crazy person and holding her phone up to her ear. "Hi, Parker."

She cuts the call and pockets the phone in a pair of impossibly tight designer jeans that make her ass look fucking delectable—even I have to admit that.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand.

"Got your address from June," she says innocently. "She thought you'd be excited to see me."

"Did she? Did you also tell her you're a little fucking stalker?" She bats her lashes at me. I should tell her to go the fuck home, but something about those jeans and the needy, thirsty expression she's wearing makes me step aside and point at the living room. "Get the fuck in."

Elated, she follows me into the apartment and plops down on the couch. Kade hasn't been home since yesterday, and while I know I should resist Dove, she's the one who walked straight into the hornet's nest, and I'm fucking done resisting her charms. If she wants me so badly, she can have me... the good and the bad.

"Take your clothes off," I say once the door is locked. "Now."


"Don't pretend that's not what you came here for," I hiss. "Off. Now. Leave your underwear on. Fold the rest and put them on the couch. Then wait for me on your knees."

"Where are you going?"

"Just do it," I demand as I head to the kitchen. I rummage through the drawers while she strips down and slide something in my pocket. Then I approach her again. For all her faults, at least Dove can fucking listen. She's kneeling in front of the couch, her clothes in a neat pile on the floor beside her. She's wearing lingerie, something ridiculously pink and frilly. "You always wear underwear that makes you look sixteen?"

She pouts, obviously offended by my words, but I don't give a shit. Instead, I kneel next to her, tipping her chin back gently. She looks deep into my eyes, hoping for some romance story I'm not going to give her. Instead, I pull a large kitchen knife from the back of my jeans. I take off the security cover and the steel glints in the dying sunlight pouring through the window.

"See this?" I ask her softly. "Look at it. Watch

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