Tyrant Twins - Isabella Starling Page 0,41

me to do it. "You sure about this, June?"

"Yes," she responds feverishly. "I want to feel you... Bare... With nothing between us. Don't you, Kade? Don't you want to fuck me raw?"

I swallow thickly. I don't know if she's even aware of how much this is turning me on. How hard it is to resist hurting her. Because I have dark blood running through my veins... And I want to see her in pain, whimpering and begging for more. If she keeps going like this, it's going to be really fucking hard for me to resist her.

Without saying another word, I answer her question by slowly pushing my cock inside her tight hole. She moans, throwing her head back as I penetrate her. She's impossibly, painfully tight, and I fucking love it. I start rocking my hips forward, driving my length into her without mercy.

It takes a while for her to get used to it. I'm so fucking distracted by her tight grip I barely notice her little whimpers. Her little pussy doesn't just have my cock in a vise-like grip, it's got my fucking mind, too. I can't think about anything other than fucking her, driving my length inside her again and again. I'm addicted already, and I should've known better than to do this. Should've realized one taste of June would leave me fucking crazy, demanding more and more from her innocent, unbroken body.

My cock hardens to the point of bursting, and so does June. My hand finds its way to her throat then, and I hold her firmly in place.

"You want me to come inside you?" I grunt. "Want me to fill that little pussy up?"

"Yes," she whispers, eyes delirious, face feverish. "Fill me, Kade. I want all of you... I want you to have me, all of me."

She arches her back for me, and my hands slip under it, bringing her closer as I exhale her name.

“Kade!” she moans in my ear, and it’s the last thing I need to give me the release I crave.

“Yes, baby,” I whisper back. “Here you go, June. Here you fucking go, Junebug. You can have it all...”

I come inside her as she screams my name. I’m so tired I could collapse right next to her, but I kiss her once more, reveling in her taste, her ragged breaths. I slip my cock out slowly as she whimpers. My cum stains her sheets along with her blood. Fuck, what a goddamn mess we've made... and what a beautiful mess it is.

She curls up close to me, and I close my eyes for a second, thanking God or whoever made this possible for her. For this. For us.

She kisses me softly but passionately—as though I’m all there is for her.

“How bad did it hurt?” I ask her as I break our kiss with her lying in my arms.

Her head is resting on my shoulder, her fingers circling my skin as she looks up into my eyes with a devilish grin.

“So bad,” she answers. “But I loved it, Kade. Does it always hurt this much?”

I smile back at her innocence. “Not always. Not unless you want it to.”

"I do want it to," she whispers, and my cock hardens again. Fuck me, she's goddamn perfect.

"It will feel better next time,” I promise her as I think of all the things she has yet to experience. All the things I want to show her. "I’ll make it better for you every time, Junebug...”

After all, we have all the time in the world now.

It’s hours later, and we’re sitting in the living room. She’s wearing my shirt and a thong that’s driving me crazy. I’m naked because I like the way her eyes sweep my body like she wants to lick me all over. The doorbell rings, and June jumps excitedly.

“Finally,” she moans along with her stomach grumbling on cue. I laugh. “Took him ages. I need that pizza,” she tells me with all seriousness as she hurries to the door.

I run up behind her, smacking her ass as she shrieks with pleasure. She runs ahead to open the door to the pizza guy as I risk a look at myself in the mirror. I look… happy. It's fucking weird. I haven’t been happy since I was a child. Since before Rachel told June and me we shouldn't be together. After the butterfly... after June came into my life, I saw the first glimpse of happiness, but then it fell through my hands, slipping away

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