Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,91

and Adam had almost come to blows over who was going to drive. I knew they were as concerned as I was, but we were lost with how to help him. Whenever one of us would try to talk to him about the changes we had seen, he would either get angry or blow us off.

We were only a couple of weeks away from the end of their summer tour and I was secretly glad. I hoped once we were back home, Drake would return to normal. Tonight they were playing in one of the biggest bars on the tour in Trenton, New Jersey. The bar itself was easily three times the size of Gold’s back home and word had spread quickly that Breaking the Hunger would be here.

With only half an hour until they started their set, the room was filled to capacity. The bar had reserved a table next to the stage for the band, and I sat with them; watching the bar skanks and sipping my beer. There had been a few who were brave enough to approach Drake while he sat beside me with his arm around my shoulders, but he quickly got rid of them. I had to admit, that was a major plus side to Drake’s newfound temper. I couldn’t help but smile as Drake not so politely told them all to fuck off.

Drake kept his arm around me until it was time for them to take the stage. He had been in a bad mood most of the day and I was surprised when he bent down to kiss my forehead before leaving me alone at our table. I watched as he followed the other members onto the stage and took his place in the front.

He still looked every bit the badass rocker I had met almost a year ago, but I could see how tired he was. Living on a bus and the events of this summer had taken a toll on him, both mentally and physically.

He introduced himself and the band before Jade started into the first song. Their performance was good, but not one of their best. I nearly had a heart attack when Drake stumbled and nearly fell, but he quickly regained his footing and continued on with the song like nothing had happened.

I glanced up when the chair beside me was pulled out and a guy sat down next to me.

“Why are you sitting over here all by yourself?” He asked.

“Um, just watching my boyfriend on stage.” I emphasized the word boyfriend, hoping he would take the hint.

“Oh, which one is he?”

I pointed to Drake. “The one singing.”

“He’s got a hell of a voice. Kind of reminds me of a mix between Three Days Grace and Seether, which are two of my favorite bands.”

“Yeah, he does.”

“I’m Ron by the way. Do you mind if I sit with you until they’re done? I’d love to meet them.”

“Nice to meet you Ron, I’m Chloe. I don’t mind, I’m sure they’d like to meet you since you’re not a screaming fan girl.”

He laughed. “No, definitely not a screaming girl.”

My reply was cut off by the shrill sound of a microphone being thrown down. I glanced up to see that Drake jumping from the stage and rushing over to me. My eyes widened as he grabbed Ron and pulled him from his chair. I scrambled out of my chair as he threw him on the table and slammed his fist into Ron’s face.

“Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend!” Drake shouted as he landed another punch.

“Stop!” I screamed. I tried to grab his arm to keep him from hitting Ron again. Before I even realized what was happening, Drake spun around and shoved me away. I lost my balance and tumbled to the ground.

Drake froze as he stared down at me. “Oh my God Chloe, I’m so sorry.”

Jade rushed to my side and helped me up. “Are you alright?”

“Fine.” I growled.

Drake reached out for me, but I pushed him away. “Chloe, I’m so sorry.”

“Just stay away from me right now,” I pointed to Ron, who was sitting on the table, holding his face. “You hit an innocent guy who was sitting with me so that he could meet you and then pushed me down. I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ve had it!”

I turned and stormed away as one of the bouncers rushed over to the scene Drake had caused.

“We don’t put up with this shit, especially from the performers. Copyright 2016 - 2024