Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,90


Drake looked disgusted as I added a little bit of everything onto my plate.

“What? I’m hungry.”

“That has to be the most disgusting combination I have ever seen.”

“It’s not like I’m going to eat it all together.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“It’s still nasty. I’m not kissing you after you eat all of that.”

I laughed. “Whatever, your idle threats won’t stop me.”

As I ate, I watched Jordan from the corner of my eye. He was a few seats down from me, deep in conversation with Danny. Drake and I had talked last night, and we had decided that the band and I would leave early tomorrow so that they didn’t have to miss any more shows. I needed to fix things with Jordan before I left.

When we finished dinner, I stood and walked over to where he and Danny were sitting.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked.

Jordan seemed surprised, but nodded as he stood to follow me from the room. Drake was watching us closely, and I stopped beside him.

“I need to patch things up with him. Just give us a couple of minutes alone, ok?”

He gave me a curt nod, but said nothing.

I sighed as I led Jordan from the room and out the patio doors to the pool. I knew I had upset Drake, but Jordan deserved better than to be left hanging with no answers.

I was still wearing a knee-length skirt from the services, so I sat down at the edge of the pool and stuck my feet into the warm water. Jordan sat down beside me and leaned back on his hands.

“You wanted to talk?” He asked.

“Yeah, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am over everything. I shouldn’t have pushed you away these last few days. I care about you, but just not that way.”

“I know that and I was an idiot to push you for more. I can see how much you love Drake and I just wanted that with you. You’re unlike anyone else and I can’t help how I feel about you, but from now on it won’t be an issue.”

I reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “I’m glad that you understand where we stand. I didn’t want to leave tomorrow if we weren’t ok.”

His shoulder tensed under my hand. “You’re leaving tomorrow?”

“Yeah, the band has to get back on the road and Drake won’t leave without me.”

He brushed my hand away as he stood. “I see. Make sure you come back to visit when he lets you.”

I watched him walk back into the house with a heavy heart. Regardless of what we both said, there was no way we would ever really be ok as long as I was with Drake and I had to accept that. Drake was the most important part of my life now and if Jordan couldn’t accept it, then so be it.

Chapter Twenty


There was something wrong with Drake, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I had been on tour with the band for just over a week and everything had gone smoothly, apart from Drake. His moods were starting to give me whiplash; one minute he was normal cheerful Drake and the next he was yelling at me and storming off over the littlest things.

The worst fight, and the stupidest as well, was when I had tried to be nice and clean the bus for them while they were practicing in a bar before a show. I scrubbed every inch of the bus, from the makeshift kitchen to the bathroom, and had even ran to the local store and stocked the bus up on everything from toilet paper to his worshipped Pop Tarts.

The rest of the band had been grateful for my hard work, but Drake had flipped out and started yelling at me. Shocked at his outburst, I had stood frozen while he screamed at me. When he was finished, he stomped off to the bathroom and locked himself in there for over an hour. When he came out, he apologized over and over but I ignored him. I was hurt, but I was mad too. I had tried to do something nice for him and he didn’t even care.

At first, I had assumed his anger was from my attempt at making amends with Jordan, but that didn’t seem to be the case. He wasn’t only lashing out at me, but at the band as well. Eric had all but thrown him off the bus when he Copyright 2016 - 2024