Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,85

while I’ve been here taking care of her. I just wish she’d open her eyes and realize that she’s wasting her time with you.”

“She isn’t wasting her time with me, I love her and she fucking knows that! If she had told me what was going on, I would have been there in a heartbeat. She told me to stay away.”

“Then maybe she realizes that I’m more than capable of taking care of her.”

“What happened to that truce you tried to call in the parking lot? I knew it was bullshit then and look, I was right. All this time, you’ve wanted her.”

“Of course I want her! You’re with her, so I don’t have to tell you how amazing she is, inside and out. I’d be stupid not to want her!”

He kept his voice low as he spoke, and I knew he was trying not to wake her.

“Is she aware of this?”

“Yeah, she is. Of course she shot me down for you.” He sounded bitter and I smiled.

“Good to know, she’ll be thrilled when I let her in on this little conversation.”

“Fuck you asshole, I’ll deny it. Tell her and I’ll just use it as more ammo against you.”

I knew he was right; Chloe had been patient with me, but she knew I hated her spending time with him. She would think it was just another way I was trying to keep her from him.

“He doesn’t have to tell me, I heard everything.” Chloe said, a bit muffled through the phone.

My heart leapt and I laughed like an idiot. “Fuck yes!” I shouted as I fist pumped, “Give Chloe the phone!”

Jordan didn’t say a word as I heard him pass Chloe the phone.

“Drake?” Chloe asked.

“Who else, unless you have another boyfriend he’s trying to steal you away from?” I asked sarcastically.

“Funny. Where are you?”

I glanced out of the window. “About ten minutes away.”

“I’ll call the guard station and let them know it’s ok to let you through this time. I need to go, but I’ll meet you out front.”

I smiled as I dropped my phone into my pocket. I had no doubt Chloe was ripping into Jordan right about now. Too bad that I was too far away to hear any of it.

Chapter Nineteen


“Where should I even start?” I yelled.

Jordan stood and walked across the room. He sat in the chair next to the desk and gave me a pleading look. “I’m sorry all right? I didn’t mean to say what I did, he just went off and I snapped. He’s an asshole Chloe, why can’t you see that?”

“I’m so sick of you talking shit about him Jordan! I love him and I will always love him. I want him, not you, or Logan, or any other guy out there!”

“He’s going to hurt you! I’ve told you that over and over yet you still can’t see it!” Jordan shouted back, getting angry.

“If he hurts me, he hurts me. But it’s not your job to watch out for me. I told you before if you couldn’t accept him, then I didn’t want to be around you, and I meant it. Just stay away from me Jordan.”

Tears filled my eyes, but I stood my ground. Drake had been right about Jordan all along and I had refused to see it. I loved Jordan, but not in that way and if he couldn’t accept Drake then I couldn’t accept him as a friend any longer.

“You don’t mean that Chloe.” He whispered.

“Yes, I do. If you can’t accept Drake, then I can’t accept you.”

He stared at me, with disbelief written all over his face. “Fine, if that’s how you want it. From now on, go to him when you need something, not me!”

He stood and threw the door open. I watched him as he turned and gave me one last look before slamming the door behind him.

I had stood while we fought, but once he left, the fight in me left as well and I crashed onto the bed. Was it too much to ask for a simple relationship with a guy? First Logan, and now Jordan. I snorted; at least I didn’t have to worry about Danny trying to hit on me. I shuddered; that was not somewhere I wanted to go.

I glanced at the clock and jumped from my bed; Drake and the band would be arriving any second. I looked horrible, my hair was tied back in a messy bun and I was wearing an old Nine Inch Nails shirt that Copyright 2016 - 2024