Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,84

I’m fine. Just needed to be alone.” I answered lamely.

“You know you could have done that in your bunk right? Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?” He asked.

“What? No, I just had something in them and came in here to flush them out. Who’s driving?”

“Jade took over for me. Anything you want to talk about? You know I’m not here to judge.” He asked, undeterred.

I mentally groaned. If he figured out what I was doing, he would tell everyone else and it would be blown out of proportion. They would tell Chloe too, and it would all be over.

“Nope, I’m fine. Like I said, just something in my eye.”

He watched me closely as I stood and walked past him out of the door. I breathed a sigh of relief when he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Crisis averted. As long as no one found out I was using again, everything would be fine.

I sat down at the table with Adam and watched as the miles disappeared below the bus. I felt light and even a bit happy from the cocaine and with every mile that passed, my heart began to lighten. I would be with Chloe soon and everything would be all right.

Eric came back from the bathroom and took over for Jade. She came back and sat down with us, a deck of cards in her hand.

“Who wants to give me some money?” She asked cheerfully.

I groaned and laid my head on the table. I was running through money a lot faster than I wanted to think about and I couldn’t afford to lose another hundred bucks to our resident card shark.

“Not today, I’m going to owe you a house by the time summer is over with.” I said.

“Me either, you cheat!” Adam said from beside me.

She pouted. “I do not cheat, you two just suck at cards. Eric too.”

“I heard that!” Eric yelled from the front.

“Fine, we won’t bet actual money, we’ll just play for fun. Deal?”

I looked at Adam who shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, why not?”

Jade smiled widely as she dealt us both in. Adam and I spent the next couple hours having our asses handed to us by her in poker. I had never seen someone who was so good at cards before.

“You should go to Vegas and play. You’d probably make more money that way than being in a band.” I grumbled.

She laughed. “What would be the fun in that when I have you guys here to murder?”

Adam threw his cards on the table. “I’m out, damn it!”

I threw mine down as well. “Jade wins. Again.”

I glanced out the window and grinned as I realized that we were only about twenty minutes from Chloe. I stood and all but ran to grab my phone off my pillow. I dialed her number, excitedly bouncing back and forth as I waited for her to pick up.


Jordan. Any happiness I felt left me as I heard him answer her phone.

“Where’s Chloe?” I bit out.

“She’s sleeping, why?” He asked in a too calm voice.

“I’m almost there and I wanted to let her know.”

“Hold on a sec, let me see if I can wake her up.”

I heard him set the phone down. “Chloe. Hey Chloe Bear, wake up,” he whispered.

I heard her groan and I almost threw my phone across the bus. He was there with her while she was sleeping. A few seconds later, he picked the phone back up.

“I can’t get her to wake up. I’ll try again in a couple minutes, I’ll make sure she’s up by the time you get here.”

“Are you in bed with her?” I asked, using my own deadly quiet voice.

All noise on the bus ceased as Jade and Adam listened in.

Jordan was silent for a minute before answering. “I am, but it’s not what you think.”

“Then what the fuck is it? This is the second time I know of that you’ve been in bed with her!” I shouted, not caring who heard me.

“Calm down, she was having a nightmare when I came in to check on her. I laid down with her to help calm her down. She was asking for you, but since you weren’t here I had to do your job. Again.”

“Well isn’t that convenient for you. And what the fuck is that supposed to mean; doing my job again?” I asked as I heard the blood pounding through my veins.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve been off playing band Copyright 2016 - 2024