Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,73

Chloe and Drake.”

Danny looked back and forth between the two of us. “Have you two lost your minds? She doesn’t even know Drake!”

I looked down at Kadi, who was staring at the door, probably plotting her escape. “Oh she knows Drake. She’s one of his one nighters from before we got together.”

Kadi opened her mouth to speak, but caught herself at the last-minute. She turned her attention to Danny, giving him a pleading look. “Danny, they’re crazy! I would never do that to you!”

“Quit lying, we saw the fucking pictures.” Jordan growled.

“What pictures?” Danny asked.

“Who knows? You said they were with that band; they’re probably both on drugs or something.” Kadi cried.

I laughed in her face. “Like anyone in Breaking the Hunger would be on drugs. If anyone is screwed up in the head, it’s you,” I turned to Danny, “She took pictures of Jordan and I together and showed Drake, trying to get him to break up with me. Unfortunately for her, Drake didn’t fall for it.”

I smirked as I said the last part and saw anger flare in her eyes. I hit a nerve and I watched as she struggled with whether to tell me off or stick to her story of being innocent. I waited patiently, until finally she broke.

“I wasn’t a fucking one night stand! Drake loves me, he just can’t see it because of you!” She spit out venomously.

Danny paled slightly as his mouth dropped open. “So they’re telling the truth? Everything you’ve said to me was a lie?” He asked.

She sneered at him. “No offense Danny, but you’re not my type. You’d think you would have figured that out the third time I dumped you, but no, you keep coming back for more.”

I heard a loud crack and was stunned to realize that I had slapped her. My hand stung as her cheek started to turn red.

“You bitch!” She screeched as she lunged at me. The air was knocked from my lungs and I grunted from the pain that seared my ribs as I fell to the ground. She grabbed my hair and yanked as we tumbled around on the floor.

My ribs were screaming in protest as I threw her off of me and launched myself at her. I pinned her to the floor and punched her in the face. She clawed at my face and bucked, trying to free herself, but I was seeing red. That coupled with the adrenaline coursing through my body gave me enough strength to keep her pinned.

“Stay.” Punch. “The.” Punch. “Fuck.” Punch. “Away from Drake, Danny and Jordan.” Punch.

Her head slammed back against the carpet and she moaned. I felt arms wrap around me as they lifted me away. I fought them, trying to get back to her.

“Chloe Bear, enough. You’ve almost knocked her out.” Jordan said as he struggled to hold me back.

I let him pull my body tight against his as I stared down at Kadi’s bloodied face. I really had done a number on her; blood was pouring from her nose and a large cut on her cheek from one of my rings. One of her eyes had already started to swell shut and there were several bruises starting to show on her normally flawless skin.

Danny started yelling at her, telling her to get out of his house. She moaned as she tried to stand. She swayed from side to side, but no one offered to help her.

“You’ll pay for this. I’ll have you arrested!” She spit out as she clutched her side.

“I don’t think you will. It’ll be your word against ours. Plus, I’m sure Drake would be glad to press charges against you for stalking.” Jordan said in a scarily calm voice.

Kadi’s mouth gaped open as she processed his words. Her word wouldn’t matter against ours, and we had several witnesses that could testify that she was stalking Drake. She was backed into a corner and she knew it. She sent us one final glare as she limped to the front door, slamming it behind her.

Danny walked past us, refusing to look at either of us.

“Danny, wait.” I called after him.

“Just… Just leave me alone for a little while.”

I bit my lip as I watched him disappear around the corner. “You should go talk to him Jordan, he’s really upset.”

“Give him some time to cool off,” He said as he turned me around to inspect my face.

I winced as he ran his finger along my cheek. “Easy, she got in a few punches Copyright 2016 - 2024