Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,72

trying to screw with him while we’ve been away.”

That thought hadn’t even occurred to me; I assumed that she would know that Drake would tell me everything and we would all be aware of her little plan.

“Shit, you didn’t call him?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I called, but telling him his “kind of” girlfriend was just using him to get back at his cousin isn’t exactly something you want to tell a person over the phone.”

“Go get your stuff and throw it in the car. We can leave as soon as you’re ready.”

“I’m packed, let me just grab my bags out of the bus and I’ll be right back,” he said as he turned and walked back into the bus.

Drake walked around the car and handed my keys to me. His eyes met mine as he brushed a stray lock of hair away from my face. The anger I had seen in his eyes earlier had all but disappeared now, and was replaced with warmth as he trailed the back of his hand down my cheek.

“Hurry back to me,” he whispered.

“You know I will, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I stood on my toes and kissed him softly.

Jordan walked back outside to my car with his bag slung over his shoulder. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I need the pool.”

I stepped away from him, giving him one last lingering look as I slid into my car. I expected Jordan to get directly into my car, but instead he walked over to where Drake stood. I watched nervously as they spoke, afraid Drake’s newfound temper would make and appearance and they would start hitting each other.

I was shocked when Jordan held out his hand and Drake shook it. With that, he turned and walked back to the car. Drake watched him closely as he slid into the car and grinned at me.

“You can close your mouth now.”

I realized I was staring back and forth between the two of them with my mouth hanging open. I snapped it shut as I started the car and pulled out.

“Want to tell me what that was all about?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I didn’t want this to be the last time we saw each other, and since your head is up his ass most of the time, I figured I should probably make amends with him so he doesn’t keep you away.”

I glared at him. “My head is not up his ass.”

He snorted and gave me a bewildered look. “Whatever, you’re like a lovesick puppy. It makes me want to gag.”

I rolled my eyes as I hit the interstate and floored it. I wanted to make good time so that I would be able to make it back tomorrow.

“What’s the rush? You’re driving like an idiot.”

“I just want to get back to him.”

He laughed. “I rest my case. You said you’re sleeping at Danny’s house before you leave again, so it’s not like it will matter what time we get there.”

I realized he was right as I started slowing down a bit. “Yeah, that was kind of dumb wasn’t it?”

“It’s alright, your hair is blonde so use that as your excuse.”

I reached across the console and pinched him. “Asshat.”

The rest of the trip was uneventful; one stop to fill my car up and two Starbucks later, we were pulling up to the house. I got out and stretched; my body tight from the long drive. I sent Drake a quick text letting him know we were safe before following Jordan into the house. He stopped dead in the doorway to the living room and I bumped into him.

“Chloe, go back outside,” he ordered.

Never one to listen, I refused and started trying to look around his tall frame to see what was wrong. A string of curses left my lips as I saw Danny and Kadi locked in an embrace on the couch. Jordan tried to catch me as I slipped under his arm and into the room, but he wasn’t quick enough. His fingertips brushed my shirt as I stomped over to them and grabbed Kadi by the neck, pulling her away from Danny.

I threw her into the nearby chair and glared down at her. “I can’t believe you’d have the nerve to show up here after what you’ve done!” I shouted.

Danny jumped to his feet. “What the hell are you doing?”

Jordan walked into the room and put his hand on Danny’s shoulder. “She’s been using you. She was only here to break up Copyright 2016 - 2024